The voice of Lotso in Toy Story 3 is Ned Beatty.
Lotso in Toy Story 3 was voiced by Ned Beatty. His performance added a lot of character to the role.
Lotso in Toy Story 3 is voiced by Ned Beatty. His performance added a lot to the character's charm and villainy.
The voice of Lotso in Toy Story 3 was provided by Ned Beatty.
The voice of Lotso in Toy Story 3 was Ned Beatty.
Lotso ended up being left behind at the daycare. He didn't have a happy ending like some of the other toys.
The voice of Buzz in Toy Story is Tim Allen.
The actor who lent his voice to Ken in Toy Story 3 was Michael Keaton. His performance added a lot of charm to the character.
The voice of Woody in Toy Story is Tom Hanks.
The voice of Jessie in Toy Story is Joan Cusack.
The voice of Jessie in Toy Story 3 is Joan Cusack.