The first comic book is believed to have emerged in the 19th century, but pinpointing an exact date is quite challenging.
The debut of the first Marvel comic book was in 1939. It was a significant moment in the world of comics and set the stage for the expansive Marvel universe we know today.
The first Superman comic book was published in 1938.
The first Batman comic book came out in 1939.
The first Superman comic book came out in 1938.
The first Black Panther comic book came out in July 1966.
The first Spider-Man comic book hit the shelves in 1962. Since then, Spider-Man has become an iconic figure in the comic book universe, inspiring countless stories and adaptations.
The first Spider-Man comic book hit the shelves in 1962. Since then, Spider-Man has become an iconic superhero in the comic book universe.
The debut of The walking Dead comic book was in October 2003. It quickly gained popularity and has since become a cult classic in the comic world.
The first Captain America comic book was released in March 1941.
The debut of the first Transformers comic was in 1984. It marked the beginning of a popular comic series based on the Transformers franchise.