The novel coronavirus was named through a process involving various global health authorities. Leading this effort was the World Health Organization, which chose a name that would be recognized and understood worldwide to effectively deal with the outbreak.
The naming of the novel coronavirus was a decision made by international health experts and organizations. Specifically, the World Health Organization played a key role in giving it a name to facilitate global communication and understanding of the disease.
The World Health Organization (WHO) named the novel coronavirus. They follow specific naming conventions and procedures for such diseases.
The novel coronavirus got its name through a coordinated effort involving international health authorities. The purpose was to have a consistent and specific term to refer to the virus accurately and avoid confusion in the global response to the pandemic.
Scientists named the novel coronavirus based on specific naming conventions and characteristics related to the virus.
The novel coronavirus was named by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The term 'novel coronavirus' is used because it's a new type of coronavirus that wasn't previously known to cause disease in humans.
The term 'novel coronavirus' is used because this particular strain of the virus is new and distinct from previously known ones. Scientists needed a way to differentiate it, so they gave it this name.
The coronavirus is named 'novel' because it is a new type of virus that was not previously identified. It has distinct characteristics that set it apart from known coronaviruses.
It's called novel coronavirus because it's a new type of coronavirus that wasn't previously identified. This new strain has distinct characteristics that set it apart from known coronaviruses.
The reason it's called 'novel coronavirus' is that it's a newly emerged form. This naming helps in categorizing and studying it separately as it has distinct features and properties that set it apart from previously known coronaviruses.
It's called novel coronavirus because it represents a novel or new form of the virus. This naming convention is common in the field of virology to differentiate and understand new infectious agents.