Generally, short story titles aren't italicized. However, if you're submitting to a specific publication or following a particular formatting requirement, they might ask for italicization. Always check the relevant guidelines.
Yes, short story titles are often italicized. It's a common formatting rule in many writing styles.
Yes, usually short story titles are italicized to distinguish them from the body of the text.
Short story titles often should be italicized. This is a common convention in writing to clearly identify the title. But it's always a good idea to check the particular style manual or instructions for the specific project you're working on.
Yes, titles of books, movies, plays, and long musical works are often italicized in a short story for clarity and to give them emphasis.
Short story titles are typically italicized. It's a widely accepted style rule. Underlining is not the preferred choice as it can make the text look cluttered and is not as aesthetically pleasing in many cases.
Yes, short story titles should be italicized in MLA.
Most of the time, short story titles get italicized. This is the standard practice in many forms of writing. Underlining is not as frequently used. It depends on the specific style guide or instructions you might have, but in general, italicizing is the way to go.
Yes, usually short story titles in an anthology are italicized to distinguish them from the main text.
Typically, short story titles are italicized rather than underlined.
Yes, in many cases, individual short story titles are italicized to set them apart and give them emphasis.