Becoming a gay bottom can stem from various factors. It could be an evolving understanding of your sexuality, emotional connections with others, or simply a deep sense of self-awareness. It's a very individual process.
There could be many reasons. It could be that you found true emotional and intellectual compatibility with someone of the same sex, or perhaps societal influences and self-reflection played a role in your realization.
It's possible that you were wrongly accused of a crime and had to escape. The only option for survival and clearing your name was to become a pirate. Another way could be that you were inspired by tales of pirates and decided to live that life yourself.
It could be a complex mix of personal experiences, self-discovery, and maybe influences from relationships or society.
Maybe it happened when you had special connections and emotions with people of the same gender that made you realize your orientation. It's a complex and individual journey that's unique to each person.
I have no idea how such a situation could occur. It's an unusual and often unacceptable situation. Maybe it's a result of someone's very wrong decisions or being in a very abnormal social environment.
Well, becoming a hot wife could involve things like maintaining a healthy lifestyle, dressing stylishly, and being kind and supportive to your partner. It's not just about looks but also about the inner qualities you bring to the relationship.
There are many possible reasons. Maybe it was a gradual understanding of your own feelings and attractions towards the same gender through interactions and introspection. Or it could be that certain key experiences or relationships made you recognize and accept your homosexuality.
It could be a complex combination of personal experiences, attractions, and self-discovery. Maybe it started with certain encounters or realizations that led to this path.
It's hard to say for sure. Maybe it was a gradual realization of his own feelings or a specific event that led to it.
I have no idea. It's a rather odd and random question.