Winston changes drastically. He's no longer the defiant individual he was at the start. The harsh conditions and psychological torture have made him compliant and accepting of the status quo.
At the end, Winston is broken and has completely surrendered to the oppressive regime. His spirit is crushed, and he no longer holds onto his initial beliefs and resistance.
Winston undergoes a significant transformation. He becomes more resigned and less rebellious against the system.
Well, a character could undergo a physical transformation at the end of a novel. Maybe they were injured and recovered, or they lost weight and gained confidence. Also, their personality could shift from being timid to bold.
In a love story, internal changes are quite common. One such change is the development of insecurities within a partner. This could be due to past experiences or comparisons with others. For example, if one partner is constantly comparing their relationship to those they see on social media, it can create internal turmoil. Also, the evolution of one's self - identity can be an internal change. As a person grows and changes, their idea of what they want in a relationship may also change, which will impact the love story.
After the story, the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion may experience a shift in its reputation. They could be seen as more of a necessary evil or more feared. This might lead to changes in how they interact with the general population. They might also start to diversify their methods of assassination, perhaps incorporating more magic - based techniques or using new types of poisons. Their relationships with other criminal organizations could also be altered, either becoming closer allies or more bitter rivals depending on how the story's events affected the power dynamics in Oblivion.
In terms of the overall plot, Naruto's presence as Issei could change the power dynamics. He has experience in dealing with all kinds of powerful foes in the Naruto universe. So, in the world of DxD, he might not be as easily pushed around as Issei was at first. He could also bring a new sense of justice and values from the ninja world, which could influence the other characters and how they view different situations.
Winston undergoes a complete transformation and becomes a submissive member of the totalitarian regime.
It's hard to say for sure. Maybe he's reflecting on all that's happened and questioning the nature of the society he's been a part of.
One change could be in the school's community events. They could organize a watermelon - eating contest at Futa School. This would change the social atmosphere of the school, as students and teachers would gather around this fun event. It could also encourage healthy competition and a sense of community within the school.
The most obvious change could be the visual style. In a graphic novel, the artist has full control over the look and feel. But in a movie, the director might choose different color palettes or cinematography techniques. Also, the pacing might change. A graphic novel can be read at one's own pace, but a movie has a set running time. So some plotlines might be cut or condensed.
If Harry isn't the Boy Who Lived, it might mean a shift in the power dynamics within the wizarding world. Different characters could rise to prominence and the plot could take unexpected turns. Also, Harry's relationships with others might change as his status is different.