No, you can't usually see mange scabies easily. They are often tiny and located deep within the skin, making them hard to spot without proper examination.
In most cases, seeing mange scabies directly isn't straightforward. They tend to be microscopic and might require special tools or a trained eye to detect.
Yes, you can sometimes see mange mites on cows if you look closely, especially in areas where the skin appears irritated or has visible patches.
It can be quite difficult to spot mange mites on cats with the naked eye. They are often very small and might be hidden in the fur.
No, scabies and mange aren't exactly the same. Scabies mainly affects humans, while mange is more common in animals.
No, mange and scabies are not the same. Mange is usually a skin condition in animals, while scabies is a contagious skin infestation that can affect both humans and animals.
Scabies and mange aren't identical. Mange is often specific to certain types of animals and may have different manifestations compared to scabies in humans. The treatments for them can also differ.
They're not the same. Mange is more common in certain animals and may present differently than scabies. Scabies in humans has specific symptoms and requires specific treatment approaches.
It can be difficult to see mange mites on guinea pigs with the naked eye. They are often very small and might not be visible without a close examination or under a microscope.
No, scabies and mange are two different conditions caused by different parasites.
Mange and scabies are distinct. Mange is usually caused by mites and affects mainly animals, while scabies is caused by a specific mite and can affect both humans and animals. Their symptoms and treatment methods also vary.
Yes, sarcoptic mange is basically the same as scabies. They are both caused by mites and result in similar itchy skin conditions.