Revolution alone might not kill mange completely. It could be part of a solution, but other measures like proper hygiene and medical treatment are often necessary. The effectiveness varies depending on the context and the specific nature of the revolution.
Yes, Revolution can be effective in treating mange, but it depends on the severity and type of mange.
Revolution is often used to treat mange in cats. However, it's not a guaranteed cure for all cases. Sometimes, additional treatments or follow-up may be necessary depending on how the cat responds.
It can, but it depends on various factors. Sometimes Revolution works well, but other times it might not be enough on its own.
Revolution can be effective in treating mange in cats, but it depends on the severity and type of mange.
It depends. Some revolutions in pest control methods have shown promise in killing mange mites, but success can vary depending on various factors.
Not really. Revolution isn't considered the most effective treatment for demodectic mange. Other options might work better.
Not necessarily. Revolution may have some impact on demodectic mange, but it's not a guaranteed cure.
I'm not sure. It depends on the type of revolution and the specific conditions. Maybe some revolutionary treatments can work, but it's not a guarantee.
Revolution alone is unlikely to cure mange. Mange is usually treated with specific medications and proper hygiene measures.
You could try bathing the affected area with a mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar. It might soothe the skin and have some impact on mange. But keep in mind, this may not work for all cases.