Well, to pronounce'mange' correctly in French, you should start with the'm' sound like in English. Then, the 'a' is pronounced like the 'a' in 'father'. The 'n' is normal, and the 'g' is soft, almost like a 'zh' sound. So it comes out as'mahnzh'.
The correct pronunciation of 'mange' is [m忙nd蕭]. It's not too difficult once you get the hang of it. Just remember to blend the sounds smoothly.
The way to use 'mange' and'manges' in French depends on the subject. 'Mange' is for 'I', 'he', 'she', 'it', or 'one', while'manges' is for 'you' (plural or formal). Like 'Je mange une pomme' (I eat an apple) and 'Vous mangez des g芒teaux' (You eat some cakes).
'Mange' in French means 'eats' (third person singular form of the verb 'manger').
The usage of 'mange' and'manges' in French depends on the subject. 'Mange' is for first-person singular ('je'), second-person singular informal ('tu'), third-person singular ('il', 'elle', 'on'), and first-person plural ('nous'). 'Manges' is for second-person plural or formal ('vous'). Simple as that!
In French,'mange' means 'eat' (in the present tense for the first and second person singular).
You use'mange' when the subject is singular, like 'Je mange' (I eat). You use'manges' when the subject is the second person singular, like 'Tu manges' (You eat).