Bamboo was called a gentleman because it had the qualities and characteristics of a gentleman. The bamboo was tall and slender, slim and elegant, representing the elegant demeanor of a gentleman. It was hard and had joints, symbolizing a person's integrity and integrity. The bamboos stood in the frost and snow, representing a gentleman's tenacious will and indomitable spirit. The emptiness of the bamboo heart represented the virtue of modesty and broad-mindedness of a gentleman. Bamboo was clean and elegant, representing the integrity of a gentleman. These unique characteristics made bamboo loved and respected by literati of the past dynasties, known as the "Four Gentlemen of Flowers" and "Three Friends of Winter". Bamboo's purity, freshness, tenacity, and indomitable qualities made it a symbol of a gentleman.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was ranked fifth, so he was called Old Fifth by the Qing Emperor. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest and ranked fifth, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Fifth. This title also expressed the Qing Emperor's closeness to Wu Zhu and the deep friendship between them.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was ranked fifth, so he was called Old Fifth by the Qing Emperor. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest and ranked fifth, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Fifth.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was ranked fifth, so he was called Old Fifth by the Qing Emperor. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest and ranked fifth, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Fifth.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was ranked fifth, so he was called Old Fifth by the Qing Emperor. The Qing Emperor and Wu Zhu became sworn brothers under Ye Qingmei's lead. Wu Zhu was the youngest of the five, so he was called the fifth brother. This form of address showed the Qing Emperor's affection and closeness to Wu Zhu.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu the fifth because they were sworn brothers, and Wu Zhu was the fifth among the five. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Old Fifth.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was ranked fifth, so he was called Old Fifth by the Qing Emperor. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest and ranked fifth, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Fifth.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest and ranked fifth, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Fifth. There was a deep friendship between these five people. The Qing Emperor and Ye Qingmei were also very close.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was ranked fifth, so he was called Old Fifth by the Qing Emperor. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest and ranked fifth, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Fifth.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was ranked fifth, so he was called Old Fifth by the Qing Emperor. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest and ranked fifth, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Fifth.
The Qing Emperor called Wu Zhu Old Fifth because they were sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was ranked fifth, so he was called Old Fifth by the Qing Emperor. Ye Qingmei had always followed the principle of equality. When she was alive, she had pulled the Qing Emperor, Chen Pingping, Fan Jian, King Jing, and Wu Zhu to become sworn brothers. Wu Zhu was the youngest and ranked fifth, so the Qing Emperor affectionately called him Fifth.