The pronunciation of peep was [kuguīān].
The correct pronunciation of the 26 letters in the Pinyin Alphabet is as follows: a-ā,á,ǎ,à b-bēi,bái,bǎo,bò c-cā,céng,cǐ,còu d-dàn,dōng,dá,dì e-ér,è,ěng,ēng f-fàn,fēi,fá,fú g-gāo,guǎ,gé,gū h-hǎi,huì,hēi,hóng i/j-jì,jiān,jiǎn,jù k-kǎi,kè,kù,kuàng l-lǎn,liú,lì,lǜ m-mǎn,méi,mù,mǎ n-nǎi,nián,nèi,nòng o-ōu,o,óng,òu p-pāi,pí,pǔ,pò Please note that these pronunciations are based on the provided Pinyin alphabets. Please understand if there are any errors or ominations.
Since we don't have the details of the story, it could be a child. Often in such stories, it's a curious child who doesn't fully understand boundaries yet.
Definitely not. It's a huge breach of privacy. Sisters, like any other individuals, deserve to have their own lives and activities that are private. If there's a concern or something that needs to be addressed, it should be done through open communication, not spying.