The actor Qian Bo was born on May 31, 1964.
The actor Zheng Feng was born in December 1971.
The birth date of the actor, Zhang Luyi, was October 13, 1978.
Chen Ping's date of birth was January 1963.
Qian Bo was 59 years old. According to the information provided, Qian Bo was born on May 31, 1964, and was 59 years old.
Qian Bo's real age was 59. Multiple answers and documents confirmed this point.
According to the information provided, Qian Bo was 59 years old. He was born on May 31, 1964, and was 59 years old.
Qian Bo was an actor from mainland China. When he was young, he went to Japan to study for 20 years, during which time he faced language barriers and life difficulties. During his time in Japan, he worked as a dishwashing worker and mingled with homeless people. However, after Qian Bo returned to China, he became a golden supporting role in the entertainment industry, active in television dramas and movies. He had accumulated a wealth of experience in the entertainment industry and participated in many plays and stage plays. Qian Bo had no children in his life, but he raised his dog as a child. Regarding Qian Bo's current situation, there was no clear answer in the information provided.