Yu Wenshu had four sons.
Yuwen Yong had seven sons. They were Yuwen Yun, Yuwen Zan, Yuwen Zhi, Yuwen Yun, Yuwen Chong, Yuwen Dui, and Yuwen Yuan.
Yuwen Yong had seven sons. They were Yuwen Yun, Yuwen Zan, Yuwen Zhi, Yuwen Yun, Yuwen Chong, Yuwen Dui, and Yuwen Yuan.
Yuwen Yong had seven sons. They were Yuwen Yun, Yuwen Zan, Yuwen Zhi, Yuwen Yun, Yuwen Chong, Yuwen Dui, and Yuwen Yuan.
Yuwen Yong had seven sons. They were Yuwen Yun, Yuwen Zan, Yuwen Zhi, Yuwen Yun, Yuwen Chong, Yuwen Dui, and Yuwen Yuan.
The Qing Emperor had a total of five sons. From oldest to youngest, they were the Great Prince, the Second Prince, the Crown Prince, Fan Xian, and the Third Prince. Thus, Fan Xian was the Qing Emperor's fourth son.
The Qing Emperor had a total of five sons. The Crown Prince was the Qing Emperor's second son.