Duke Gan Tang knew that Xie Yun was the ruler. In You Fei, Gan Tang Gong was Zhou Fei's father, Zhou Yitang, while Xie Yun's real identity was the Crown Prince of the previous dynasty. Because Duke Gan Tang was once a minister of the imperial court, the two of them had a relationship of monarch and minister. One of Xie Yun's reasons for appearing in the 48 villages was to make Duke Gan Tang leave the mountain.
Duke Gan Tang knew that Xie Yun was the ruler. In You Fei, Gan Tang Gong was Zhou Fei's father, Zhou Yitang, while Xie Yun's real identity was the Crown Prince of the previous dynasty. Because Duke Gan Tang was once a minister of the imperial court, the two of them had a relationship of monarch and minister. One of Xie Yun's reasons for appearing in the 48 villages was to make Duke Gan Tang leave the mountain.
Duke Gan Tang knew that Xie Yun was the ruler. In You Fei, Gan Tang Gong was Zhou Fei's father, Zhou Yitang, while Xie Yun's real identity was the Crown Prince of the previous dynasty. Because Duke Gan Tang was once a minister of the imperial court, the two of them had a relationship of monarch and minister. One of Xie Yun's reasons for appearing in the 48 villages was to make Duke Gan Tang leave the mountain.
The Duke of Gan Tang was Zhou Yitang. He was the disciple of Liang Shao, the prime minister of the Southern Dynasty, and Li Jinrong's husband, an intellectual. Every time Li Jinrong punished Zhou Fei, Duke Gan Tang would stand up and "protect his son". In his educational philosophy, Gan Tang believed that fighting was not the way to solve problems, but the truth of life would affect a person's life. He was sick all year round, but he was still concerned about national affairs and could not let go. Therefore, it could be said that Gan Tanggong played the role of Zhou Fei's father in the play, and was also an important intellectual and supporter.
Duke Gan Tang's prototype was Zhou Yitang, the disciple of Liang Shao, the prime minister of the Liang Dynasty.
Gan Tang Gong was the character of Zhou Yitang in You Fei. He was the disciple of Liang Shao, the prime minister of the Southern Dynasty, Li Jinrong's husband, and an intellectual. In his educational philosophy, he believed that fighting was not the way to solve problems, but the truth of life would affect a person's life. Although he did not explicitly mention whether Duke Gan Tang was a good person or not, he stood up to protect his child, showing his love and protection. Therefore, based on the information provided, it was impossible to determine whether Duke Gan Tang was a good person.
The ending of " You Fei ", Gan Tanggong, was that he put down his worries about the world and found a paradise with Li Jinrong to live a happy life.
Gan Tang Gong was played by actor Zong Fengyan in the TV series "You Fei."
Gan Tang Gong was played by Zong Fengyan in the TV series "You Fei."
Yes, Zhou Fei was Duke Gan Tang's biological daughter.