Consort Wen Xiu had no children. Wen Xiu had no children in her life. She and her husband, Liu Zhendong, had no children. When she died of a heart attack in 1953, there was only her husband, Liu Zhendong, by her side. The funeral was very simple. There was only a coffin made of four wooden planks. There was not even a tombstone. Thus, it was certain that Imperial Consort Wen Xiu had no children.
Wen Xiu had no children. Wen Xiu did not have any children in her life, whether it was in her first or second marriage. Her first husband, Liu Zhendong, did not have any children, and her second husband, Liu Zhendong, had children, but these children were not Wen Xiu's biological children. Therefore, it could be confirmed that Wen Xiu did not have a child.
Wen Xiu had no children. She did not have any children with the last emperor, Pu Yi, because Pu Yi could not give birth or did not have the ability to do so. Wen Xiu had always been a "girl" when she was with Pu Yi. She lived her own life after the divorce, but she had no children in her life.
Wen Xiu has descendants. Wen Xiu's second husband, Liu Zhendong, had descendants. Their lives were very happy.
Wen Xiu married Liu Zhendong after the divorce and got married in Peiping in 1947. However, Wen Xiu and Liu Zhendong's marriage did not mention whether they had children. Therefore, Wen Xiu married Liu Zhendong after the divorce, but the information about whether there were descendants was unclear.
Wen Xiu had no descendants. Puyi married five times in his life, but he never had any children. Wen Xiu and Pu Yi divorced and married Liu Zhendong, but the two did not have children. In addition, there was no mention of Wen Xiu and Liu Zhendong having descendants. Therefore, Wen Xiu had no descendants.
Wen Xiu did not have a biological daughter. She did not have any children with the last emperor, Pu Yi, because Pu Yi could not give birth or did not have the ability to do so. Wen Xiu had always been a "girl" when she was with Pu Yi. She lived her own life after the divorce, but she had no children in her life.
Wen Xiu did not have any biological children. Whether it was in her first or second marriage, Wen Xiu did not have any children. Her first husband, Liu Zhendong, did not have any children, and her second husband, Liu Zhendong, had children, but these children were not Wen Xiu's biological children. Therefore, it could be confirmed that Wen Xiu did not have a biological child.
Princess Huaiqing had two sons. Their names were Wang Zhenliang and Wang Zhenqing. Wang Zhenqing was one of the top ten talents in Jingtai. Princess Huaiqing was the sixth daughter of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Her husband was Wang Ning, the emperor's son-in-law.
After remarrying, Wen Xiu's second husband, Liu Zhendong, had a child.
Consort Wen Xiu later married Liu Zhendong, a major of the Kuomingtang.