The American film "The Body" is a sci-fi action film released in 2015. It was directed by Jonathan Nolan. The following is the main plot outline of the film: The protagonist of the film was a man named John Scalich. He was an unusually strong astronaut who was accidentally exposed to radiation from alien creatures during his mission, causing his body to mutate. John Scalich has superpowers. He can control his body, including muscles, bones, and senses. John Scalich met a girl named Alicia Vikander, a mysterious scientist with similar abilities. The two of them worked together to find a way to control this superpower. In the process, John Scalich and Alicia Vick encountered various challenges, including the pursuit of government agencies, alien attacks, and the loss of control of their abilities. They had to work together to find a way to balance superpowers and normal life. The entire movie was filled with sci-fi elements and action scenes, showing the battle between humans and extraterrestrial creatures, the loss of control of physical abilities, and the internal struggle of individuals. The film received widespread praise and became a high-profile sci-fi film.