You didn't provide the exact sentence you wanted to answer. Please provide more specific questions or information, and I will try my best to answer them.
It comes from the Analects of Confucius, Wei Linggong. The original text was as follows: "A gentleman has to do something. There were some things to fight for and some things to not fight for. The gentleman is always in his position and does his duty. I don't want to be outside and control the wise. A gentleman has things to do, things not to do, things to fight for, things not to fight for. There are three good friends: a loving mother, a good teacher, and a good friend. A loving mother does not hurt her son with words, a good teacher does not move his heart with looks, a good friend does not disturb his mind with power. A gentleman does his own thing, and those who hear it thousands of miles away wear it and do it. If there is a way in the world, the ceremony and music of conquest will come from the son of heaven. If there is no way in the world, the ceremony and music of conquest will come from the princes. Since ancient times, the Tao has not changed. What a gentleman values is not jade, but better than jade; What he governs is not the field, but better than the field. It is not worth discussing with a scholar who is determined to pursue the Tao and is ashamed of eating and wearing bad clothes. The scholar is full of food and can live in a rich place. He is not arrogant and frugal. He loves the people outside and does not invade the people inside and does not make trouble. The way of a gentleman is expensive and difficult to disturb, but it is lost and lost, but it can be restored to its original integrity, and it is harmonious and gentle, firm and simple, simple and firm, soft and empty, practical and agile, intelligent and respectful. A gentleman should attach importance to benevolence, save money, love the people and make the people work according to the season. From the Analects of Confucius, Duke Ling of Wei. The original meaning of this passage was that a gentleman should do something and not do something. He should pursue justice but not power and honor. He should be fighting for something and not fighting for something. He should respect the wise but not compete with the evil. He should have done something and not done something, fought for something and not fought for something. He should pay attention to his own moral cultivation and not just pursue material enjoyment. He should respect the people and do his best to uphold justice.
I'm not sure where the sentence you're referring to comes from. Please provide more context or relevant information so that I can help you better.
I'm not sure which sentence you're referring to. Please provide more context or information so that I can better help you answer your questions.
This sentence came from 'Dream of the Red Chamber' written by Cao Xueqin, a novelist during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. In the novel, Cao Xueqin used this sentence to describe the relationship between the novel and the official history, indicating that the novel could be used as a supplement and extension of history but could not replace the official history.
This sentence came from a poem in Bai Juyi's "Fu De Gu Yuan Cao Farewell" of the Tang Dynasty: "Using people as a mirror can show the gains and losses, and using history as a mirror can know the rise and fall." It meant that one could understand one's own gains and losses by learning from the experiences of others. One could understand the rise and fall of the world by learning from the experiences of history.
The full text of the sentence "Dead fish in the deep sea, picked up by flowers in the evening" was as follows: Dead fish in the deep sea, flowers picked up in the evening A fish sank into the deep sea. Hua Xi Shi Pick up memories Forget the pain. This sentence came from the beginning of the online novel," Picking Up Flowers at Sunset." The novel was a fantasy adventure story set in the ocean. It told the story of a fish named "Dead Fish" who was in the process of finding his own home and the human girl "Hua Xi Shi".
As of 2021, my knowledge is unable to provide the full text of the phrase "dead fish are picked up by flowers in the deep sea". However, according to what I know, this sentence comes from an online romance novel," Flower Gathering ", written by Electric Line. The novel is a time-travel novel, which tells the story of the female protagonist, Mo Yu, who traveled to ancient times to find herself in the ancient world.
This sentence was said by the protagonist Xiao Yan in the novel 'Battle Through the Skies' when he was sighing about the strength and greatness of mankind.
I don't know which novel or article 'Faint Rouge and Faint Wine' refers to. Can you provide more context? This way, I can better answer your questions.
This sentence came from Wang Xifeng's "Lifetime Mistake" chapter in the novel "Dream of the Red Chamber". The original text was "Lifetime Mistake, Lifetime Mistake, Misfortune, Misfortune." Grandmother Jia and the others clapped their hands and said,'This girl is really smart. It's a pity that she has such an illness. Otherwise, she would be a very noble person.'"