
What was the trend of thought in Western 20th century literature?

2024-09-25 05:34
1 answer

The 20th-century literary trends in the West mainly included realism, modernism, post-modernism, culturalism, feminism, surrealism, post-colonization, and other schools. Among them, realism and modernism were the most common and important literary trends. Realism emphasized that literature should reflect social life and human nature, and opposed fiction and fantasy. In the 20th century, the trend of realism in literature had been widely developed and flourished, such as France, Dickens, Mao Passant, Tolstoy, etc. Their works deeply reflected the various problems of the society at that time and became important representatives in the history of Western literature. The modern literary trend of thought emphasized that literature should express the inner world and psychological state of the individual, opposing the traditional narrative mode. In the 20th century, the trend of thought in modernist literature was mainly divided into two directions, one was romanticism and the other was modernism. Romanticism emphasized personal feelings and experiences, while modernism emphasized the inner world and psychological structure of individuals. Austin, America, Faulkner, etc. The post-modern literary trend of thought emphasized that literature should criticize and reflect on history and tradition and re-examine modern culture. In the 20th century, the post-modern literary trend developed rapidly and formed many schools such as culturalism, surrealism, post-colonization, etc. The representatives of post-modern literature, America, and England. In addition, feminism, surrealism, post-colonization and other literary trends were also important components of the 20th-century literature in the west. They made unique contributions to literature.

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