A book has 170 pages. How many pages has Xiao Jun not read yet?There are 170 pages in a book. You can get the answer by calculating the length of each page.
The length of each page usually refers to the length of each page. The number of pages may vary according to different publishing houses and different format. Usually, the length of each page is 255mm or 305mm, but some books use different size.
Therefore, for a 170-page book, each page is 255 millimeters long, so the number of pages in the book is:
170 pages/255mm/page = 692 pages
Therefore, Xiao Jun still had about six pages to read.
A book, 16 pages, 663 pages, how many words were there?The approximate number of words in a book of 16 pages and 663 pages can be estimated by the following:
The size of the 16-open book was about 265 cm x 297 cm, and the paper size of each page was about 25 cm x 33 cm. Therefore, the size of the 663 pages was about 175 cm x 211 cm.
Since a book usually had several apexes, index, references, etc., this number would be inaccurate. In addition, the content and word count of a book would also be affected by factors such as the author and the publishing house.
Combining the above factors, he could roughly estimate that a 16-page book with 663 pages had about 16 words. This number is for reference only. The actual number of words may vary.
There are 347 pages in a book. How many pages do you need to arrange the pages of this book?There are 347 pages in a book. How many pages do you need to arrange the pages of this book?
If we want to arrange the pages of this book, we need to first determine the format and position of the page numbers. Usually, the page number would be placed in the upper left or upper right corner of the book to indicate the page number and page format. In this book, the first 2-3 pages should be numbered and the rest should be written in capital letters. Therefore, the page numbers of this book could be divided into the following sections:
According to this format, we can calculate how many pages the book has:
347 ÷ 2 - 3 = 175
Therefore, this book had a total of 175 pages.
A book has 180 pages. How many numbers do you need to number the pages?When a book has 180 pages, you need to divide the total number of pages by the number of pages:
Total number of pages = 180 pages/pages
Substituting the result into the formula, he obtained:
Total page number = 180 pages/15 = 12
Therefore, a book with 180 pages needed to use 12 numbers to number the pages.
The number of pages read in a book was the remaining 75%. How many pages did the book read account for? How many pages were left?If the remaining 75% of the pages of a book were read, it meant that 75% of the pages had not been read. Then, the number of pages that were read would be 25%+80% = 3/4.
The number of pages left is a fraction of the number of pages seen. It can be calculated in a similar way: the number of pages left is 1 -the number of pages seen = the number of pages left-the number of pages seen = 75% x the number of pages left divided by the total number of pages. Therefore, the remaining pages were 75% of the total number of pages. The answer was that the remaining pages were 75% of the number of pages read divided by the total number of pages.