
During the interview, the interviewer said that the high school diploma was fake. I denied it immediately. He said that I was dishonest. I said that I graduated from high school. Maybe it was my resume.

2024-09-22 22:54
During the interview, the interviewer said that my high school diploma was fake. I denied it immediately. He said that I was dishonest. I said that I graduated from high school. Perhaps my resume was not very good. I could check my diploma. I saw him smile. After that, he asked me a lot of personal questions, such as where I lived. Alone? After asking, he told me about the company's salary. After that, he asked me if I had any problems. I felt that there was no problem, so I turned around. Then he said,"Okay!" I'll go back and wait for the notice. I asked him when it would be available, and he said tomorrow. What are the chances of success? Also, what did you mean by saying that my graduation certificate is fake? I'm 22 years old and I don't know a lot. Please tell me if you know. Thank you!
1 answer

During the interview, the interviewer said that the high school diploma was fake, and I denied it immediately. He said that I was dishonest, and I said that I graduated from high school, and that I might have written the wrong resume. The interviewer might be unhappy that I didn't answer the question honestly. However, writing a wrong resume is not a reason for dishonesty because interviewers should evaluate a person's true ability by understanding their background and experience, not just relying on a resume. In this case, I can try to communicate with the interviewer to explain my situation and ask him what he thinks of me. In addition, during the interview, they could also demonstrate their abilities and achievements to prove their honesty and credibility.

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