There are many funny stories in history. Here are some of them: During the Han Dynasty, there was a minister named Lu Zhi. He was so drunk at a banquet that he fell down while walking. He broke his hat and clothes, and the other officials laughed. However, Lu Zhi calmly picked up his hat and clothes and took a photo before continuing to drink. In history, there was a general named Zhao Zhong who was defeated by the enemy due to improper command in a battle. Zhao Zhong was so ashamed that he locked himself in a cell and tied himself up with a rope. Then, he started to write a poem that criticized himself. In history, there was a saint named Confucius. Although he was smart and intelligent, he was also an alcoholic. Once Confucius suddenly said while drinking,"I know why you all respect me because I only know how to say nice words and not do anything." The other officials laughed when they heard this. In history, there was a politician named Cao Cao. Although he was intelligent, he was also very absurd. Once, Cao Cao asked his soldiers to perform a song and dance at a banquet, but he actually tied them up one by one and put them on the stage. The above are some funny stories in history. Although some of them don't conform to historical facts, they can still make people laugh.
During the Middle Ages, there were some court jesters' stories. One jester told a story about a knight who was so afraid of being castrated in battle that he wore an iron cod - piece that was so large it made it difficult for him to walk. He would trip over it and the other knights would laugh at him. It was a humorous take on the fear of castration at that time.
The Scholars is a classical Chinese novel that tells the life of Confucian scholars during the Ming Dynasty and their interactions with other characters. There were many funny stories, and here are a few examples: 1 Pan Donkey Deng Xiaoxian-This is a story about a Confucian scholar named Pan An. Pan An was handsome and talented, but his wife was very ugly. Although he was dissatisfied with his appearance, he still loved his wife. One day, he heard that a young lady named Donkey, Deng, Xiao, Xian had fallen in love with him, so he decided to look for her. But when he arrived at the lady's residence, he found her playing with his servant. He tried to approach her but Donkey, Deng, Xiao and Xian all refused him. In the end, he had to give up the idea of looking for that young lady. Limerick-This was a story about a Confucian scholar named Wang Ba. This bastard liked to write poems, but the poems he wrote were always full of erotic and obscene content. His students didn't like his poems, but he persisted in writing them. One day he wrote a limerick and gave it to his students. The students thought the poem was so funny that they decided to perform it. When they were performing, Bastard found out that they had changed his poem into a more obscene one. He was very angry and decided to drop out of school with them. Tofu Xi Shi-This is a story about a beautiful girl named Xi Shi. She was a famous local beauty, but many Confucians thought she was too beautiful to make people selfish and arrogant. One day, a Confucian scholar named Fan Li heard this story and decided to go to Xi Shi. When he arrived, he found Xi Shi working with his servant. He tried to get close to her but Feng Li told her that if he tried to get close to her, she might be afraid. In the end, Fan Li and Xi Shi became good friends and spent many wonderful times together.
In the court of Marie Antoinette, there was a story. She once organized a mock - peasant party in the palace gardens. She and her ladies - in - waiting dressed up as peasants but they were so unused to the simple clothes that they ended up looking quite ridiculous. For example, their wigs were too big and fancy for the peasant - like outfits. This became a funny story among the servants and some of the nobles who heard about it.
Surprise can make a history story funny. For example, if a very serious and proper king suddenly does something completely out of character, like wearing a joker's hat in public. Another element is absurdity. Take the story of Nero in the Olympics. The idea of an emperor changing the rules just to win is absurd.
During the Renaissance, there was an artist named Michelangelo. He was so dedicated to his work that he often neglected his personal hygiene. It's said that when he was working on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, he was so focused that he rarely changed his clothes or bathed. His assistants sometimes had to hold their noses around him, which is a rather funny side - note to his great artistic achievements.
Once upon a time, astronomers were arguing about the nature of black holes. Some thought they were super - small and extremely dense, while others thought they could be huge and still have the same properties. There was this big debate and at one point, someone made a joke that black holes were like Schrödinger's cat, both big and small at the same time until you actually measured them. It was a humorous take on a very complex scientific discussion in the history of astronomy.
There was a little boy who was very excited to show his drawing to his parents. He said it was a family portrait. But when they looked at it, all the people in the drawing had square heads and really long arms. He then explained that they were his 'robot family' and he thought robots should look like that. It was so cute and funny.
One funny cat story from history is about the cats in ancient Egypt. Cats were highly revered there. They were considered sacred animals. There are stories of cats being pampered and even mummified after death. If a cat died in a household, the family would go into mourning. It shows how important cats were in their culture.
I remember a dog that used to howl every time the ice - cream truck passed by. It was like he thought the truck was some kind of magical musical thing just for him. He would sit by the window and let out these long, hilarious howls until the truck was out of sight.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy who thought his dog could talk. One day, he put a small piece of paper in front of the dog and said, 'Write me a letter.' The dog just stared at him and then licked his face. The boy was so disappointed but it was really a funny moment.