If you have any difficulties, look for Old Wang. Seeking happiness next door. My heart is happy and I smile Wang is a good friend. Rhymes: If you have any difficulties, look for Old Wang. Seeking happiness next door. My heart is happy and I smile Wang is a good friend.
Wang Lei, I love you Wang Lei is as talented as a god descending to the mortal world I see your face as beautiful as jade, and I see that you have a beauty that can topple a country Loving you is like a fire burning, like glue You and I will walk the path of life hand in hand and create a beautiful future together.
Wang Jingjing, I like you The beauty of the royal residence is like a flower Crystal clear, beautiful like a demon My heart is in love with you I like you like my heart is sharp Smiling, loving When you reach the horizon, my heart will still be the same
I'm willing to do needlework Just care about the work at home and outside I need to use my brain to love you. The Wang family has a good mother Leileizi was so cute.
The king's demeanor is the only one With a beauty by my side, our hearts are of one mind. Hui Neng understands the world's affairs My heart only belongs to you. I like to walk hand in hand Love lasts forever.
My heart longs for the high mountains I'm happy to meet the beautiful scenery and naturally wear it. With joy and joy Why do you need to read the scriptures?
I Looking at the starry sky, my heart yearned for it be fond of Celebrating the fate of life joyous singing and laughing, we're all reunited.
My heart yearns for a free port I'm glad to meet a bosom friend who will accompany me on my journey. Joyful songs and laughter become a song You dance with me for the rest of my life
A moment's error can last forever I was lucky enough to meet a beautiful woman in my life. Guarding my heart, hiding my secret You and I live together.
The morning light shines on the earth thriving, everything grows. My heart is as deep as the sea He was beaming with joy. Joy is boundless You and I will work together to create the future.
Wang Luwei's I Love You poem is as follows: The king's demeanor is pure Lulu Jewelry shone brightly. Tall body, hormones My heart is already by my side. Love is so strong, it's hard to say Loving you for life is true.