Dragon Ball was a Japanese manga and animation series created by the cartoonist Akira Toriyama and first published in 1986. The story was about the adventures of Wukong and his friends in order to obtain the Dragon Ball. After the end of the Dragon Ball, there was an official release of a sequel, but it was not widely recognized and spread. Although some readers and fans wanted to release a sequel, the officials did not respond. At the same time, the Dragon Ball manga did not officially release a sequel, but some authors and editors created some sequels and derivative works in their own works. These works are not necessarily official sequels, but they can still be regarded as derivative works of Dragon Ball.
Overall, Dragon Ball Super follows the manga to a certain extent. There are moments where it takes its own path, adding new elements or modifying existing ones, but it remains recognizable as part of the Dragon Ball universe.
Dragon Ball Z is known for being a relatively faithful adaptation of the manga. It captures the essence and excitement of the original. There are a few tweaks here and there for pacing and visual appeal, but it doesn't stray far from the manga's storyline.
Some of the manga that followed in the footsteps of Dragon Ball Z are Bleach and Fairy Tail. They offer different themes and adventure-filled plots.
The Dragon Ball Super anime generally adheres to the manga. However, there might be some tweaks in terms of pacing and presentation to suit the animation format.
In some aspects, yes. Dragon Ball Super adheres more closely to the manga's plot and character developments compared to GT.
It follows quite closely. There are only a few differences that don't change the main plot much.
Definitely! Dragon Ball is a well-known manga that tells an exciting story with unique characters and epic battles. It's had a major impact on the manga industry and has inspired countless fans and creators.
At the moment, there's no clear indication if the Dragon Ball manga will continue. It could happen if there's a new story idea or a lot of fan support.
Yes, it's great! The story, characters, and art are all really appealing.
Yes, the Dragon Ball manga has finished. It concluded a while ago and is a beloved classic.