A book has a total of 200 pages. Xuan Xuan read 179 pages and finished them in the remaining three days. How many pages does he read on average every day? You can use the formula of "total pages divided by days" to calculate the number of pages you read every day. 200 pages/3 = 66 pages/day Therefore, Xuan Xuan read an average of 66 pages a day.
Xiao Ming needed to finish reading the remaining 260 pages in 5 days, so he needed to read 260 pages per day divided by 5 days = 52 pages.
Wang Qiang read a book for the first four days, eight pages a day, and then a total of 17 pages for the next three days. We can split this situation into two parts for analysis: Reading eight pages a day for the first four days meant that Wang Qiang had already read $4/times 8 = 32$pages in the first four days. Reading a total of 17 pages in the last 3 days meant that Wang Qiang had read another $3/17 = 54$page in the last 3 days. Therefore, Wang Qiang read a total of $32+54=86$pages. Next, we need to calculate how many pages he reads on average every day. Did he read all the books in the first four days and the last three days together? If that was the case, then the average number of pages he read every day was $86/4+17/3=265+5=315$pages. If not, then the average number of pages he read every day was $86/4-17/3=26-5=21$pages. Therefore, Wang Qiang read an average of 21 pages a day.
Xiao Ming read a book for the first 4 days and read 15 pages, then read 6 pages every day for 5 days. We can use the following formula to calculate the average number of pages seen per day: Average number of pages read per day = total number of pages/days Substituting the total number of pages and the number of days into the formula, we get: Average number of pages read per day = 15 pages/4 days = 3 pages/day Therefore, Xiao Ming read an average of three pages a day.
If Xiaoming reads 72 pages in the first 4 days, then Xiaoming's total page count in the first 4 days is 72 pages. Reading 29 pages every day for the next 6 days would mean that the total number of pages for the next 6 days would be 29 pages x 6 days = 171 pages. Therefore, Little Ming's total page count in the last six days was 171 pages. Little Ming read 171 pages per day for the next 6 days, 6 days = 27 pages. Therefore, Xiao Ming read an average of 27 pages a day.
Xiao Ming spent 4 days to finish reading 32 pages, so the number of pages he read every day was: 32 pages/4 days = 8 pages/day Since the remaining book had 95 pages, he had to finish it within a week. 95 pages/8 pages/day = 12 days Therefore, Xiao Ming needed to read 12 pages a day to finish the remaining 95 pages in a week.
Let's say this novel has a total of $x$pages. Wang Liang had already read $96$, so the remaining pages were $x - 96$. The number of pages remaining is $2/3$, so the number of pages remaining is $x - 96/div2/3 = 48$. According to the meaning of the question, the number of pages that were not finished accounted for $1/7$of the total number of pages, so the number of pages that were not finished was $48/div1/7 = 64$. Therefore, this novel has a total of $x = 96 + 64 = 150$pages.
Naughty had read 90% of the 170 pages of the book, which meant that Naughty had read 90/19=5267 pages. The average number of pages to read in the remaining four days can be calculated by dividing the total number of pages by the number of days. 170 pages/4 days =45 pages/day. So, on average, Piao Jiao would read 45 pages a day.
Xiao Le read an average of 18 pages a day.
To read the remaining 4 books, Naughty needed to read 32-8=24 pages. Therefore, she needed to read 24/4=6 pages every day. So, on average, Naughty reads six pages a day.
Little Light had already read 59 pages. The remaining pages were 95 - 59 = 36 pages. Little Light needed to read 36 pages a day divided by 4 days = 9 pages per day. Therefore, Little Light needed to read nine pages a day to finish the remaining 36 pages in four days.