
A problem about copyright

2024-09-10 15:17
For example, Fortress Besieged was written and published before Liberation, and it had been more than 50 years since then. Qian Zhongshu left in 1998. I want to ask: 1. If I want to shoot a movie now, do I need her wife's permission? 2. If someone continued to write Fortress Besieged and emphasized that it was a continuation, would it be considered as an copyright violation? In addition, if it was not considered an copyright violation, would he need to pay part of the remuneration to his family?
1 answer

The copyright referred to the author's personal and property rights to his work, including the right to create, adapt, translate, compile, display, and so on. After the creation of the work, the author enjoyed the copyright. If the author authorized others to use the work, they would enjoy the corresponding rights. For example, an author could adapt a novel into a movie or television series and release it to the public after obtaining authorization. At this time, the production company, actors, and other related personnel of the movie or TV series would enjoy the rights of adaptation and translation. The term of protection of the copyright was the author's lifetime and fifty years after his death. During this period, the author's copyright was unlimited. If the author is alive, he will continue to enjoy copyright; if the author dies, his work will be regarded as published, and the author's copyright will automatically terminate, but his work will still be protected by copyright law. During the term of copyright protection, the author can prove that his work belongs to him and protect his rights and interests by applying for copyright registration with the National copyright Bureau. In addition, the author could also defend his rights through a lawyer.

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