
Whose youth is not absurd, whose love is not hurt

2024-09-12 08:09
1 answer

Whose youth was not absurd, whose love was not hurt. This sentence expressed that it was inevitable to experience setbacks and hurt in life. No matter who it was, they would encounter twists and turns in their relationships. However, this experience could also make people more mature and strong. They could learn from it and better face future challenges. In novels, this sentence was often used to describe the setbacks and pain that the protagonist encountered in the process of growing up and how they gained growth and enlightenment from it. Whether it's love, friendship, or kinship, the protagonists in novels will be hurt for various reasons, but they don't give up and work hard to overcome the difficulties and achieve their goals. The road of life is full of ups and downs and challenges, but as long as we maintain a positive attitude and bravely face the difficulties in life, we will be able to reap the best fruits of life.

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