Was the person who won the 100 million yuan lottery obligated to disclose his identity?This question involves many legal and ethical issues, so the answer may vary from country to country. In some cases, people who won the 100 million yuan lottery may be forced to reveal their identities because this may be the only way for them to win, and other lottery agencies may track and investigate them. In this case, they may face tax and other legal issues, so it may be necessary to disclose their identities.
However, people who won the 100 million yuan lottery in other countries might not have to reveal their identities because they might have multiple accounts and use different names and addresses to hide their whereabouts. In addition, some countries and regions may impose restrictions on the distribution of lottery prizes to prevent certain people from abusing the prizes. Therefore, whether or not to disclose their identities depends on the specific situation and may vary from country to country and region.