
About the writing style of novels

2024-07-25 13:00
I don't have any experience in writing novels. Originally, I only wrote some poems and short essays. Currently, I'm playing an online game (Wuxia). Suddenly, I have the urge to write a novel. The overall idea is completed. I'm about halfway done, and the full text is less than 100,000 words. I would like to ask if there are any rules for dividing a novel into sections. I've seen that many novels on the internet have one paragraph for each sentence you say, and another paragraph for each sentence I reply to. Normal articles are different. Everything that belongs to a scene or expressing a certain content is placed in one paragraph. Also, how long should he write the introduction? Should it not be more than one chapter of the novel? Should the content of the introduction be summarized and not have too many specific plots? I wrote it from a first-person perspective, so the descriptions of the other characters are not rich enough. The descriptions are more about the plot without intense psychological tension. Because I used to write poems and short essays, this novel is like a combination of multiple essays. It runs through the main plot and represents a central idea. As a whole, it focuses more on the design language and artistic conception, while the plot is slightly monotonous. There are not many detailed descriptions of the characters. Is this okay? Was there no such novel? Also, is there anything important that you need to pay attention to when writing a novel? Please advise me. Thank you.
2024-07-25 16:40

Writing a novel required many steps, including planning, character creation, plot conception, scene design, conflict setting, rhythm control, ending design, and so on. The following things should be taken note of during the writing process: Character Creation: The character is the soul of the novel. The reader needs to resonate with the character. He needed to understand how the characteristics of different characters shaped the image, personality, behavior, psychology, and other aspects of the character. 2. Plot design: The plot is the foundation of the novel and needs to resonate with the readers. When designing a plot, one needed to consider the cause, development, climax, and ending of the story and ensure that the plot was logical and coherent. Setting design: Setting design is an important part of the novel. It needs to make the reader feel the authenticity of the story. When designing a scene, one had to consider the environment, atmosphere, the relationship between the characters and the plot, and how to make the readers resonate with the scene. 4. Conflict setting: conflict is the core of the novel, which needs to make the reader feel nervous and excited. It was necessary to understand the characteristics of different types of conflicts, how to set up conflicts, how to balance conflicts, and how to ease conflicts. Rhythm Mastery: Rhythm is an important element of a novel. It needs to let the reader feel different emotions and rhythms in the story. He needed to understand the rhythm of the story, the ups and downs of the plot, and the climax in order to grasp the rhythm of the story. 6. Ending design: The ending is the end of the novel. The reader needs to get some answers at the end of the story. It was necessary to understand the characteristics of different endings, how to set the ending, how to let the readers get enlightenment and enlightenment from the ending, and so on. When writing a novel, one needed to pay attention to the details, grasp the expression of emotions, and grasp the plot and rhythm. At the same time, he also needed to constantly revise and perfect the novel to make it more perfect.
