
Review Detail of Demonification in When Cats Own Superpower



Below average novel. Good from the start but drops all the way down mid story. Mc getting lamer by the second and unstable personality. Too much pet abuse and mc feels like a psychopath

When Cats Own Superpower

Bear Wolf Dog




100% agree, at first it was him playing with his cats and helping his cats, now he only cares about xp and money, going as far as to torture some dudes for a few hundred xp, he will casually hit his cat simply because they annoy him, lets not forget the happiness part of the book, have we ever seen his cats happiness go down when he hits them? Im pretty sure the only time happiness goes down at this point is when he doesnt spoil them, introducing them to the internet pretty much made them retarded, all they do is go after 1 thing relentlessly while messing up stuff for zhao yao, for matcha that thing is being a king with women and money, for elizabeth its money, for dustball its catmint, ect ect. At this point the only interesting part of this are the cats that arent with zhao yao, for example the pallas cat king, he was more interesting then zhao yao and all his cats combined, im probably gonna drop this at this point.