
Review Detail of DarkImmortal_Intel in Versatile Mage



If you're tired of the same old cliché's from nearly 90% of all popular LN's. Then I suggest skipping this LN. The plot armor is really bad, and the MC's child hood trauma doesn't make sense. Either MC got rap'ed cause he was friends with a girl (mc was raped by his male cousins and uncles) or they rap'ed MC's sister and broke her legs afterwards (cause mc liked a girl.) oh and btw, the MC was like 3 or 4 years old when he was friends with said girl. lol.

Versatile Mage

Chaos (Fish's Sky)




Also, MC's father seems like he's ok with being friendly with the people who destroyed MC's life. And would probably beat MC if he bad mouths his fathers friends. And for some reason MC doesn't want to disappoint his father so he doesn't make any waves by reporting them to the police. Plus the Police probably rape'd MC in that orgy as well. LOL. Like I said, wtf was author writing?


There was no rape they wear just beaten and bit ripped just want say there was absolutly no rape.


he cannot understand the story and content,first the girls father dislike mofan due to difference in society status and mo fan ran with the girl so ofc he dislike the mo dan,mc father is a nice person and he did all the things with consideration of mo fan,he saying sorry is to let mo fan have a better life or else he is afraid of those high authorities can get rid of mo fan by just a word,and no rape scene has occured in the series so dont spread fake news and lies,and police wont investigate in these matter as they are just ordinary ppl with no powers, they have no right,power or braveness to participate in this matter,this is a sociey that magic is superior than all of things,with that power to destroy worlds,money and police are just trash anyway


Rape would be a more legit reason for MC to destroy his life. But if he was just beaten up... why would he basically try to end his life and future cause of that? I've gott'n beat'n up before as a kid and it wasn't that bad. You win some fights, you loose some. /shrug.

LordCody:There was no rape they wear just beaten and bit ripped just want say there was absolutly no rape.

Because of humiliation and the horror of watching a loved one his dad getting beaten.

DarkImmortal_Intel:Rape would be a more legit reason for MC to destroy his life. But if he was just beaten up... why would he basically try to end his life and future cause of that? I've gott'n beat'n up before as a kid and it wasn't that bad. You win some fights, you loose some. /shrug.

Also if you read novel or watched manga would show this.

DarkImmortal_Intel:Rape would be a more legit reason for MC to destroy his life. But if he was just beaten up... why would he basically try to end his life and future cause of that? I've gott'n beat'n up before as a kid and it wasn't that bad. You win some fights, you loose some. /shrug.

So dad gets beaten up because MC was hanging out with a child when he was really young. So... he decides to flip the table and quit at life and basically wollow in self pity. Some father he is. And MC basically deserves to die if he wants to basically commit a long drawn out suicide over self pity. Not sure why anyone would make a character like this for a MC? Is this some evil bad guy LN or something? With how weak the MC is mentally, not sure how he just doesn't succumb and become a Devil/Demon. That would be cool, however, I can tell the MC is going to be a goody two shoes even though he has the weakest of off types of personalities.

LordCody:Because of humiliation and the horror of watching a loved one his dad getting beaten.

The plot and characters are as bad as fucccccccck.


The plot and characters are as bad as fucccccccck.


The plot and characters are as bad as fucccccccck.


lmao this isn't even the maga or the anime speak some where else please because there are no body being raped in this novel start getting your facts straight please your just ruining the authors reputation thank you and good bye talk to my red paw :3

Damon21:The plot and characters are as bad as fucccccccck.

Bro what are you on although the story starts slow and boring it speeds up decently fast and when it comes to detail there aren't any novels that come close to versatile mage especially when it comes to fights battle frenzy,the tempest series although these two have plot issues they have some very nice fights with a lot of emotion in them especially tempest of the stellar war, although the author absolutely bombed the ending making ending on a bad note the novel had a lot of chaotic giant army battles that admittedly I don't think any other novels can compare to just how good those battles were it had a chavalry at the last moment aspect in it but I can say the author had a war good idea essentially the author knew how to make really good fights with momentum and stellar war is all about mechs which makes it even better. Battle frenzy had the most consistent fights with the author using detail that compares to versatile mage and beats it in some aspects. All I have to say really is these 3 novels beat a lot of the other popular novels when it comes to detail I hate when novels don't use enough detail in their fights and background although I won't lie versatile mages quality in detail drops slightly around the marshal hua rescue arc. I kind of went offtopic but just stick with the novel for atleast 100 chapters

DarkImmortal_Intel:So dad gets beaten up because MC was hanging out with a child when he was really young. So... he decides to flip the table and quit at life and basically wollow in self pity. Some father he is. And MC basically deserves to die if he wants to basically commit a long drawn out suicide over self pity. Not sure why anyone would make a character like this for a MC? Is this some evil bad guy LN or something? With how weak the MC is mentally, not sure how he just doesn't succumb and become a Devil/Demon. That would be cool, however, I can tell the MC is going to be a goody two shoes even though he has the weakest of off types of personalities.