
Review Detail of Hawkkkkkkkkkk in Swallowed Star



Why does everything have to be so huge? It makes absolutely no sense. The golden horned beast is supposedly 400km tall, doesn't that just seem ridiculously needless? 400m would be enough and is a much more relatable height. I can't fucking imagine 400km. I can't imagine being next to something 400km tall. Hell, it's actually impossible to see the entire 400km fucking thing at once. Fucking imagine you're standing in space as a 1.8m tall human(Luo Feng), talking or looking at a being that's 400 km tall. It just makes no fucking sense. That's a fucking sixth of Pluto's diameter. It's basically a very small (dwarf) planet. Now imagine you're this small human standing on this planet. You're pretty much invisible, can't be spotted. So how would a fucking 400km tall beast ever put anybody into its eyes? Then there's the fact that the author can't keep his world building straight. First, it's said that space rings can't contain living things. Sure, I'll go for that. But then Luo Feng puts the mother nest inside his internal world, despite not being sector lord in his main body yet and no-one fucking questions it. According to the story, he can't put it in his space ring, so Dylan would know he didn't do that. But hey, my dude Dylan also "knows" he doesn't have an internal world. SO HOW THE FUCK DOES HE STORE THAT SHIT WITH NO-ONE QUESTIONING IT? And why the **** do we spend so much time on upgrading the golden-horned beast when in the 670 chapters I've read so far it's barely been used at ALL. It's only appeared for a few chapters and I'm pretty sure that was 300+ chapters ago. No need for all this filler. Also, for a supposed sci-fi space story, the world building is very surface level. I'll give a few examples. 1. Apparently, the human universe is using the length of earth's days as the most common measurement. Why? 2. The constant references within the story like "Gold are as strong and piercing as the sun" make even less sense. The sun? Earth is a fucking irrelevant planet within the universe, why would this be a common saying? There are many other cases like this too. 3. There are so many Chinese names despite the author's intention to portray the universe as a multicultural thing. 4. Apparently, China's mental training is fucking amazing hey-ho and barely anyone else does mental training unless they're a high level undying. Wtf my dudes??? With the universe portrayed as this GIANT thing with trillions of humans in a single galaxy of which there are trillions more. Why wouldn't mental training be more developed and common? Isn't it unlikely that an aboriginal irrelevant planet would have some of the most advanced stuff in this regard? Really doesn't make sense in the context of the story. Oh yeah and a final tip for you translator. Write 120 million instead of 1.2 hundred million. Oh, and when you actually do it that way, write 910 million instead of 910 hundred million. Oh, whoever's editing this might wanna step up. Like there are some serious issues in pretty much every single chapter with wrong tenses, words, misspellings etc. Like names are actually sometimes spelled 3-4 different ways in 1 chapter alone.

Swallowed Star

I Eat Tomatoes






Haha I agree with everything here. The thing I hate most is how he still acts human even though hes a monster now and has none of the Instincts of one either. Whats the point of the MC turning into a monster when he uses it every 200 or so chapters... I was really hoping he would give into his beast instincts and use it much more often. There is hardly any MC monster novels and the only reason i started reading was someone told me that he abandoned his human form later and became an ancient monster. Once he does become one he reverts back to human... What the hell is the point of him becoming one? this pisses me off.


Same. All the monster MC novels give them a human form withen the first 50 chapters so I was hoping we would for once have a true monster MC. Nope. Also I am confused as to why its called swallowed star when he isnt even a star swallower, he is the breed that eats metal isnt he?

AzureWolf:Haha I agree with everything here. The thing I hate most is how he still acts human even though hes a monster now and has none of the Instincts of one either. Whats the point of the MC turning into a monster when he uses it every 200 or so chapters... I was really hoping he would give into his beast instincts and use it much more often. There is hardly any MC monster novels and the only reason i started reading was someone told me that he abandoned his human form later and became an ancient monster. Once he does become one he reverts back to human... What the hell is the point of him becoming one? this pisses me off.

Dunno about rings as it was ages ago so i might be wrong - isn't his 'core' - an inner world? You know that as soon as he use beast he risks being discovered, and as he doesn't have sh#t for backing - he'll be attracting unnecessary attention 4 - there's an explanation why earthlings has advanced mental qualities in later chapters.


It's very asspull like when you have something so central to the plot first be revealed like 600 chapters in. And regarding the rings, I don't even know what you're trying to say. The point is that space rings were the only introduced form of storage so far except his own unique inner world. We heard about these worlds, but it was never said that they could be crafted into motherfucking rings. It's only quite a few chapters after that episode that they start using fucking world rings. Again, if it's so important to the plot, introduce it earlier. At least before he gets away by using it to hide his inner world.

Ravelord:Dunno about rings as it was ages ago so i might be wrong - isn't his 'core' - an inner world? You know that as soon as he use beast he risks being discovered, and as he doesn't have sh#t for backing - he'll be attracting unnecessary attention 4 - there's an explanation why earthlings has advanced mental qualities in later chapters.

author failed math.


Yeah their size comparisons ruin immersion.


and dont forget the mistakes in "HE and "SHE". names dont make sense and you cant even tell gender from those names.


Bruh... Now I'm scared of wasting my time on this novel lol.


Best review EVER 😂😂😂


lol, I saw the old me when see someone writing review like this....


If u want to read where the mc is actually a monster when he becomes one read custom made demon king the mc becomes a demon he retains his knowledge but he he knows better than to keep his humane emotions in his way

Squadleaderjoey:Same. All the monster MC novels give them a human form withen the first 50 chapters so I was hoping we would for once have a true monster MC. Nope. Also I am confused as to why its called swallowed star when he isnt even a star swallower, he is the breed that eats metal isnt he?

BA b


Wow you just obliterated my interest in this novel haha, nice review bro.