
Review Detail of Epinel in Shameless One



The quality of this novel left me utterly speechless. Kimjonglei's fascinating new novel "Shameless One" highlights the darkness of human nature and conveys common, everyday truths that lie in society that people choose not to confront, leaving the readers questioning who is the truly shameless one. This use of sarcasm sets the tone of the book as we see how the dark truths are conveyed in a casual way. This unique writing style and quality of plot is which truly distincts Kimjonglei's book out of the others. Additionally, the constant repetition of the idea that the past cannot be changed adds another layer of flavour to the book as we see the characters' persistent efforts to change history but still unable to stop the immense devastation that shall fall on the Lordroxius kingdom. Kimjonglei's has produced not only a masterpiece on itself but has also added his own personal interpretation of this key theme in parts of his book. We learn through Kimjonglei's perspective the despair he once faced and witness his determination and persistance as a man to stand up and continue pushing forward in his life and gradually accept and embrace his tragic past. Kimjonglei, you are truly a sigma.

Shameless One



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沒有回復。 來,成為第一個評論的人!