
Review Detail of Darksiidde in Kaiser of the New World



This work is a great find! At first, it seems like a common or unpretentious work, like any work in the "transmigration" genre, which is popular at the moment. However, it is fortunate that this is not the case. At the beginning (and it continues to be because the work is just beginning), we see a clearly stupid and innocent MC, something that should be expected from a high school student on Earth. However, it seems to me that he has great adaptation, in addition to having a great ability to control his "negative" emotions in difficult times. I hope that throughout the work the MC continues to develop, but not just in issues related to his abilities and powers, but his character. He is still very innocent and has a strong tendency to trust the people around him a lot, something that bothers me. I believe that some traumas and situations in a harsh and cruel scenario make you understand that trust is something rare to find, but first you must trust your own powers and abilities and then trust someone else.

Kaiser of the New World





Thank you very much for the review. I appreciate that you were honest about how you don't like that Kai is quick to trust, I appreciate you noticed that as that was one of the key personality points I decided on when writing his character. He's naive and innocent with room to grow, so I hope you keep reading to see that development.