
Review Detail of Veechers in Greatest Webnovel Author System



Author, funny is life. Funny is pain. Funny is true and will be my bane. Good luck with your book, Ilikecheesecakes! Quick Tip: Please don't burn yourself out. I've seen people write ten chapters in one day, then be unable to write any more. This is true for even me. Thus, you must spread yourself thin. Try writing a maximum of 2-3 chapters a day, and you will find the most results in literally everything. Unless you are like me and stockpile a finished book and THEN begin to post. (Still haven't fully written a book, but ah well.)

Greatest Webnovel Author System





Thank you for the review! You understand the dao of funny, padavan, for this you have my respect.Also thank you very much for saying that, there is always the rush to get more chapters out in a short time on this platform so being told to take it easy really means a lot! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it ahead!!