
Review Detail of YeonMaehwa in The Author’s Paradox



Are you searching for comedy? Or action ? Perhaps some adventures? may it be some teenage romance? Maybe you're more in the mood for some mafia drama? Stop right here, whatever you're searching for this novel has it all. A piece of art which will left you forever changed, your taste in novels ? Elevated. Setting high standards achievable only by few. A great story, masterfully written, with a captivating plot and characters just as intriguing, each chapter leave you eager to read the next, each detail given awakens within one self a thirst for more knowledge. Unfortunately that's when the few negative points of the novel emerge as the shadows of it's shine. First of all we have a lack of dwelling into the world building, we don't know much about the world of the novel in itself, how it is geographically, politically, and socially, as well as how Mana, abilities and such works in this world. Maybe it is intentional and I just didn't get it, maybe not, either way it is really a shame the author didn't indulged in fourth wall explanation for us, readers, a chapter dedicated to it or a lesson the characters would've had to endure during their academic days would've done the job. Anyway it is what it is. As the novel progress it gets better, and better, we get a clearer view of the world and the stakes of this story being unfold before our very eyes. The rare complaints I had in the earlier stages being rectified, and each word, phrase, paragraph sucking you harder into the tale of Dean Carleon and his entourage, you can never get enough. A tale which will left you mesmerized. Secondly, we have the updating stability, which seems quite bad. This novel has his flaws but it is one masterpiece rarely seen, not perfect as nothing can be, but definitely nearing it, I can't get enough of it. That's why I fear after many weeks of not updating, the author will drop it like what happened to his previous serie, his new book leaving worry as it could very well be a surrogate for this one. I hope it is not the case but it could very well be. This inconsistent updating, the constant fear of being dropped, it's the only reason I didn't gave it a five star rating, as the others “negative points” as set backs, are everything but major.

The Author’s Paradox


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