
Review Detail of Blueflameh in Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale



Honestly, I have a lot of problems reading AI written stuff. I’m okay if things are heavily edited but when it’s obviously written by ai adding extra adjectives for something totally unimportant like saying “he staired his enemies in the eye and eager yet steady look in his eyes. Ready to move and react at a single movement.” (This was typed by me as an example of how an ai would write. Not taken from the story) While a human author would write something more along the lines of “he stood ready to react to any movement from the opposing ninja.” While both say the same thing one is clearly paced better only adding necessary details for a fairly normal and mundane thing in a story where ai will add details not necessary or even good for the flow of the story. I write this review not to trash on you but to point out, you’re a better write than AI is. Purely because you’re going to unconsciously add pacing to the story you write. It will be better than you expect and people will want to read it. Don’t use AI unless it’s something you really can’t get passed by yourself. That being said I won’t read any more of this story, AI writing is so poorly paced that it’s like eating soup mixed with throw up. Sure parts are good but the ai adds so much total useless information that it isn’t smooth and feels needlessly tedious to read. Not enjoyable from a readers perspective.

Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale


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