
Review Detail of Yazukoto in Extra And MC



Alrighty! As promised I will leave a review! I’m sorry it took so long T-T please don’t make a character named Jason and kill him brutally for revenge! Overall: This is an amazing novel. I’m shocked that the author was able to focus on both mc equally and make us love both of them. I have nothing to say in this regard besides I love it. World building: the author goes in depth to where I can literally imagine what’s they’re explaining. I would love if there was a picture in some instances tbh cause some times my imagination goes wonky and I’ll imagine crazy things. Grammar: I don’t see much issues tbh. It’s a very enjoyable reading. Spoilers down below Cons: I NEED MORE FLUFFY MOMENTS WITH THE LOVERS! Also now that they’re getting ranked up more I hope you don’t put the adults and parents to the side. I would personally love to see the parents swoop in and save them if things were going bad for the mcs. Like when they were younger and the dad stomped the guy for trying to kill his son. I need more of that. Give them some screen time and make them feel more useful please. I wanna see the parents also be of help rather than just using authority or having one moment of action.

Extra And MC





Thank you so much for the review!I'll do my best to work on the cons and make improvements.