
Review Detail of Facez_ in Conquering The Game's World



most best novel that i have read so far. 11/10 ✨- world development :great, very, before arc academy, Arthur slowly but surely expand view of readers to some extent .- bullish of MC when he use knowledge future : in this novel MC has a reasonable excuse when he use it such as " mine mana stone that has die but why mana breast make a nest There if it has't mana stone there anymore??(mana breast absorbed mana to growth stronger)- characters is the best some of them has depth of past themslelves not just pokemons that pope out of nowhere.- none-harem and MC and Female Lead are very sweet~ female lead(Alicia ) have a reason that she have fall in love with mc not just he cool or else, it just as i said that they has some depth of past in them.but just as they are good aspects it bound to have some bad aspect - fighting scene: they not have many details when they fight but if Artur write not just the way mc think when he fight but the datails movements such as " A use horizon slash but B use the Blade block the sword and twist his wrist to defect the A sword upward bah bah bah...." i think it will add some existing feeling when the readers read it.

Conquering The Game's World





Thanks for your review. Yes, I also want to improve myself in writing actions scenes. I'll work on that.