
Review Detail of yunojiii in OGI: The Hunt for Level Three



The novel is pretty good so far, amazing! It has a lot of action and suspense that makes the readers feel excited and nervous, even me. You describe the scenes vividly and creates a lot of tension and drama. The fights are well-written and show the different abilities and strategies of the characters. However: The novel has some grammatical and spelling errors that can distract the readers and affect the flow of the story. You should proofread and edit the chapters before publishing them or use a tool like Grammarly to check for mistakes if you want to... The novel has some inconsistencies and plot holes that can confuse the readers and create logical errors. For example, in chapter 2, Kage says he doesn’t know what level three is, but in chapter 3, he says he knows it’s a rumor. In chapter 4, Kage says he doesn’t know how to use his OGI, but in chapter 5, he uses it without any explanation. In chapter 6, Kage says he doesn’t know who Unknown is, but in chapter 7, he calls him his best friend. You should keep track of the details and events of the story and make sure they are consistent and coherent. (I'm not a pro or anything, just some advice.) But Overall, still good! The novel is an enjoyable and entertaining read that has a lot of strengths and possibilities. You have a creative imagination and a good sense of humor. The novel can appeal to fans of sci-fi and fantasy genres who like action-packed.

OGI: The Hunt for Level Three



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