
Review Detail of Starparticle in Reincarnation of a Failed Author: I Hate Clichés



A fun novel that is poking fun of tropes - by using tropes! I like the meta commentary, and I'm sad some seem to not realize that the intention of the story is to comment on writing and how we all fall into cliches no matter what. For a first draft, this is great! Pacing can sometimes be fast, but I know from experience that it is just because you want to get to that cool part you're dying to write. Two things can help that: 1. Writing that scene you want to SO BADLY, and then not publish it. 2. Make a plot line of how you want things to work out, and add little twisty and turny paths to get to the next plot point. Make the walk just as interesting as the destination, and I promise it will fill out the 'soul' of your work. ..and update more often, my dude!!!!!!!!!!!! You gotta, gotta, gotta get on a schedule of some kind to retain readers. Post every Friday, or every Tuesday - whatever day suits you best. You can write all week long, but don't post it until the days you've set for yourself to upload. I really hope my review helped - and I really hope you keep going! I want to see how this unfolds so badly. The MC is really interesting, and the stream of consciousness absolutely does good/harm to the way the audience sees him. You keep it up, and don't stop no matter the trolling!

Reincarnation of a Failed Author: I Hate Clichés





I hate how much the steadiness of releasing puts so much weight on the star rating, but I also understand why. Don't misunderstand the 3 stars -- I was just honest about the upload rate and WN is apparently hard-core!


Heya, thank you so much for checking out this story of mine and going into details so you could help me, I truly appreciate it! The 3 stars does sting a little and about the uploads… I release chapters daily, I don’t think it is bad at all…


8 chs a week according to webnovel. Definitely not bad.

ItsHashi:Heya, thank you so much for checking out this story of mine and going into details so you could help me, I truly appreciate it! The 3 stars does sting a little and about the uploads… I release chapters daily, I don’t think it is bad at all…

Yep, I make sure to upload AT LEAST a chapter a day, sometimes two

GrymAbyss:8 chs a week according to webnovel. Definitely not bad.