
Review Detail of Garland in Miquella in Danmachi



It had me interested at first but reading through it i became a littls bored and just disatisfied. Sure we know little of Miquella's personality but there are enough description and lore that we can get a general idea of his personality. It just seems too out of character. Besides that, the personality of the other characters are alright or sometimes exaggerated. I mean really, Ryu quickly began to show a liking and jealousy this early on. I also question on just how fast he worked in HOF go joining a familia. Speaking of Familia, i found Odin just sudden and really weak in his appearance. Would have preferred if he joined Loki instead as interactions with Loki would have been interesting .

Miquella in Danmachi



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沒有回復。 來,成為第一個評論的人!