
Review Detail of PridefulRoyalty in A Fake Familiar Reborn



Hmm, author mentioned that Rias is not responsible for Archer’s increase in stats ...a big mistake. A Servant gets stronger and weaker depending on the Mana of their Master, I guess the Author probably just watched UBW and did not do enough research. He also made the most common mistake most Fate fanfic authors do ...and that is Archer’s tracing, or rather, Fate magecraft in general. If you are a fan of fate you would know that magecraft are being degraded due to Gaia, and since DxD world doesnt have the Will of the World, Archer’s tracing should be much stronger. But for some reason, Grayfia, managed to tank Caladbolg, an NP strong enough to rip space apart, and that was a downgraded version. In DxD without Gaia’s interventions, Caladbolg would as strong as the original, and since it is a broken phantasm, its rank would increase. Grayfia should have been vaporized by it. So yeah, Archer was nerfed so bad. But eh, heavily nerfed character isn’t new. Author probably like DxD more and is naturally biased. Nerfing aside, writing quality is good. updates are unstable, which is understandable since author has other stories. World building, well, its a fanfic, theres not much world building. character design, meh. Also, there are other servants summoned aside from Archer, which is as cliche as it could get. If you like more DxD Fate crossovers, i think you should check out “Bonds Beyond Humanity”, now that is a crossover done right. It’s in ff.net

A Fake Familiar Reborn





No, Archer's Tracing is never affected by Gaia or the world. His Tracing is unique enough that the world doesn't break it down. like regular gradation air. That idea is completely fanon. Archer's stats are not affected due to Rias' mana. Rin was his master with a ton of Magical Energy and even that didn't bring such a change to his stats. There is another reason like I've mentioned before. Caladbolg was purposefully made to miss Grayfia by Archer. He never aimed at her directly or else she would have been dead.


Wrong, “The quality of projected weapons will always be degraded by one rank due to humans being unable to fully conceptualize the existence of an object through only one sense, and they will never equal the originals without a technique such as detonating them as Broken Phantasms” your saying? And the reason why Rin’ cannot increase Archer’s stats is because he is limited by his Saint Graph, which limits the amount of mana he can receive. Look at Saber at Shirou’s hand, she was greatly nerfed. And look at her at Rin’s hands. See the difference? So yes, a master is the reason why Servants gets stronger or weaker. Please do a little research author

NimtheWriter:No, Archer's Tracing is never affected by Gaia or the world. His Tracing is unique enough that the world doesn't break it down. like regular gradation air. That idea is completely fanon. Archer's stats are not affected due to Rias' mana. Rin was his master with a ton of Magical Energy and even that didn't bring such a change to his stats. There is another reason like I've mentioned before. Caladbolg was purposefully made to miss Grayfia by Archer. He never aimed at her directly or else she would have been dead.

“something made entirely out of images and might not even exist naturally anymore, will eventually be wiped out by the world for being in conflict with this rule.” So yes, magecraft, which is something unnatural and disturbs the natural order, is being rejected. Shirou can somewhat ignore this since he isn’t “creating” something, but just pulling out what is already there in his Reality Marble, but even then it was degraded

PridefulRoyalty:Wrong, “The quality of projected weapons will always be degraded by one rank due to humans being unable to fully conceptualize the existence of an object through only one sense, and they will never equal the originals without a technique such as detonating them as Broken Phantasms” your saying? And the reason why Rin’ cannot increase Archer’s stats is because he is limited by his Saint Graph, which limits the amount of mana he can receive. Look at Saber at Shirou’s hand, she was greatly nerfed. And look at her at Rin’s hands. See the difference? So yes, a master is the reason why Servants gets stronger or weaker. Please do a little research author

No, you are confusing UBW and Gaia's effect on Gradation. Let me explain for that comment there. That only applies to normal Gradation Air which EMIYA isn't using nor has ever used. What he is using, Tracing, is but an extension of his true spell, Unlimited Blade Works which is close to True Magic. Thus performing projection that overturns this fundamental rule, repeatedly materializing Noble Phantasms.Now for the Artoria part: She had her original stats downgraded with Shirou due to his lack of Magical Energy. With Rin she merely got her original stats back, so it wasn't an 'upgrade' per say. Even if Luvia was her master, was is stated to have more mana than Rin, Artoria would have been the same. This also applies with Medea, the changed would have been very minor (Unless she uses her spells to buff her but that's something else entirely)

PridefulRoyalty:“something made entirely out of images and might not even exist naturally anymore, will eventually be wiped out by the world for being in conflict with this rule.” So yes, magecraft, which is something unnatural and disturbs the natural order, is being rejected. Shirou can somewhat ignore this since he isn’t “creating” something, but just pulling out what is already there in his Reality Marble, but even then it was degraded

“something made entirely out of images and might not even exist naturally anymore, will eventually be wiped out by the world for being in conflict with this rule” so yes, magecraft is affected because of Gaia. And you are missing the point I was trying to make about servants: the reason why Archer cannot get stronger anymore, is because he is limited by his Saint Grap—their Spirit Origin, which determines how much mana they can take and hold. Even if their master has infinite mana, servants wouldn’t have EX rank in every stats because their Saint Graph has limits. Depending on their Master, the servants can grow stronger or weaker, with their limits being set by their Saint Graph.

NimtheWriter:No, you are confusing UBW and Gaia's effect on Gradation. Let me explain for that comment there. That only applies to normal Gradation Air which EMIYA isn't using nor has ever used. What he is using, Tracing, is but an extension of his true spell, Unlimited Blade Works which is close to True Magic. Thus performing projection that overturns this fundamental rule, repeatedly materializing Noble Phantasms.Now for the Artoria part: She had her original stats downgraded with Shirou due to his lack of Magical Energy. With Rin she merely got her original stats back, so it wasn't an 'upgrade' per say. Even if Luvia was her master, was is stated to have more mana than Rin, Artoria would have been the same. This also applies with Medea, the changed would have been very minor (Unless she uses her spells to buff her but that's something else entirely)

And no, it wasnt limited to Gradiation, but all magecraft entirely. Because in Gaia’s eyes, magecraft is unnatural and would always block it

NimtheWriter:No, you are confusing UBW and Gaia's effect on Gradation. Let me explain for that comment there. That only applies to normal Gradation Air which EMIYA isn't using nor has ever used. What he is using, Tracing, is but an extension of his true spell, Unlimited Blade Works which is close to True Magic. Thus performing projection that overturns this fundamental rule, repeatedly materializing Noble Phantasms.Now for the Artoria part: She had her original stats downgraded with Shirou due to his lack of Magical Energy. With Rin she merely got her original stats back, so it wasn't an 'upgrade' per say. Even if Luvia was her master, was is stated to have more mana than Rin, Artoria would have been the same. This also applies with Medea, the changed would have been very minor (Unless she uses her spells to buff her but that's something else entirely)

You know the reason why Emiya is spamming Broken Phantasm is because his projections are weaker than the original. I feel like you havent been trying to understand my comments.

NimtheWriter:No, you are confusing UBW and Gaia's effect on Gradation. Let me explain for that comment there. That only applies to normal Gradation Air which EMIYA isn't using nor has ever used. What he is using, Tracing, is but an extension of his true spell, Unlimited Blade Works which is close to True Magic. Thus performing projection that overturns this fundamental rule, repeatedly materializing Noble Phantasms.Now for the Artoria part: She had her original stats downgraded with Shirou due to his lack of Magical Energy. With Rin she merely got her original stats back, so it wasn't an 'upgrade' per say. Even if Luvia was her master, was is stated to have more mana than Rin, Artoria would have been the same. This also applies with Medea, the changed would have been very minor (Unless she uses her spells to buff her but that's something else entirely)

“The quality of projected weapons will always be degraded by one rank due to humans being unable to fully conceptualize the existence of an object through only one sense, and they will never equal the originals without a technique such as detonating them as Broken Phantasms. The one exception for Shirou is Avalon, which can be projected perfectly due to having been fused with him for many years”

NimtheWriter:No, you are confusing UBW and Gaia's effect on Gradation. Let me explain for that comment there. That only applies to normal Gradation Air which EMIYA isn't using nor has ever used. What he is using, Tracing, is but an extension of his true spell, Unlimited Blade Works which is close to True Magic. Thus performing projection that overturns this fundamental rule, repeatedly materializing Noble Phantasms.Now for the Artoria part: She had her original stats downgraded with Shirou due to his lack of Magical Energy. With Rin she merely got her original stats back, so it wasn't an 'upgrade' per say. Even if Luvia was her master, was is stated to have more mana than Rin, Artoria would have been the same. This also applies with Medea, the changed would have been very minor (Unless she uses her spells to buff her but that's something else entirely)

Wait wait, you're really confusing two things here. First you mentioned about Gaia's influence on Tracing which is false. And add how without her presence those Traced weapons will be stronger in DxD, which is also false. Then you write the correct explanation here which contradicts what you mentioned before? Archer is limited to the amount of information he can hold of each NP. THIS being the main reason why they aren't perfect copies, not Gaia. So why would being in the DxD world suddenly have his understanding and data on these weapons increase? They will be the same as they were in the fate world....What do you think?

PridefulRoyalty:“The quality of projected weapons will always be degraded by one rank due to humans being unable to fully conceptualize the existence of an object through only one sense, and they will never equal the originals without a technique such as detonating them as Broken Phantasms. The one exception for Shirou is Avalon, which can be projected perfectly due to having been fused with him for many years”

Because he is no longer human? Okay, so Magecraft is being degraded Gaia, so Magecraft gets weaker if they were to be brought out in the outside world. Human beings cannot fully project something because they cannot conceptualize something with one senses alone. Archer is not a human. He is a Heroic Spirit, something that transcends time and space, he can perfectly trace a NP because he is a high dimensional being. So why was his tracings weaker? Because of Gaia’s influence. Archer is not Shirou, a human. Remember, in HF, when Shirou tried to trace something he mentioned his mind blanked out because his human mind cannot comprehend it, while Archer can easily do it because he is no longer human. So in a world without Gaia to downgrade his projections, Archer should be able to use a perfectly copied NP without degradation. You understand now? And even if Archer’s projections is weaker—which is ridiculous—Caladbolg was strong enough to rip space apart, Hercules, a magical equivalent of a heavy tank, died from that. Are tou freaking saying that Grayfia was far more durable than Hercules!?

NimtheWriter:Wait wait, you're really confusing two things here. First you mentioned about Gaia's influence on Tracing which is false. And add how without her presence those Traced weapons will be stronger in DxD, which is also false. Then you write the correct explanation here which contradicts what you mentioned before? Archer is limited to the amount of information he can hold of each NP. THIS being the main reason why they aren't perfect copies, not Gaia. So why would being in the DxD world suddenly have his understanding and data on these weapons increase? They will be the same as they were in the fate world....What do you think?

si, heracles tiene una resistenca a bace de conceptos, y grayfia tiene recistencia en base a fuerza y resistencia magica, olvidan que dxd es un mundo que puede ir a la par con Fate con facilidad? ni nasu se entiende al crear su sistema de poder

PridefulRoyalty:Because he is no longer human? Okay, so Magecraft is being degraded Gaia, so Magecraft gets weaker if they were to be brought out in the outside world. Human beings cannot fully project something because they cannot conceptualize something with one senses alone. Archer is not a human. He is a Heroic Spirit, something that transcends time and space, he can perfectly trace a NP because he is a high dimensional being. So why was his tracings weaker? Because of Gaia’s influence. Archer is not Shirou, a human. Remember, in HF, when Shirou tried to trace something he mentioned his mind blanked out because his human mind cannot comprehend it, while Archer can easily do it because he is no longer human. So in a world without Gaia to downgrade his projections, Archer should be able to use a perfectly copied NP without degradation. You understand now? And even if Archer’s projections is weaker—which is ridiculous—Caladbolg was strong enough to rip space apart, Hercules, a magical equivalent of a heavy tank, died from that. Are tou freaking saying that Grayfia was far more durable than Hercules!?

El poder de EMIYA radica en su adaptavilidad en la pelea, el tiene miles de opciones para enfrentar a alguien, pero la razon para que eliga las de siempre, es porque no tiene la energia, para que otro le otorge mas energia se necesita un ritual o un sello de comando, y eso dudo que funcione para algo, archer es la epitome de “un pony de un solo truco”, no podra ser mas fuerte a menos que algo como alaya le apoye con la energia infinita, (ophis podria), y sobre el poder de grayfia, yo opino que el autor necesita mas informacion de los niveles de poder VERDADEROS de dxd, en vace a las novelas ligeras, por ejemplo, vali era velocida luminica en su balance braker, y eso es 100% veridico, grayfia podria no estar a ese nivel, pero es alguien con experiencia en peleas y con un poder igual al de serafall, que se decia poder destruir japon varias veces, yo creo que y como siempre, nerfean a DxD, ¿que opinan?


accept the L my guy, it's fine.

NimtheWriter:Wait wait, you're really confusing two things here. First you mentioned about Gaia's influence on Tracing which is false. And add how without her presence those Traced weapons will be stronger in DxD, which is also false. Then you write the correct explanation here which contradicts what you mentioned before? Archer is limited to the amount of information he can hold of each NP. THIS being the main reason why they aren't perfect copies, not Gaia. So why would being in the DxD world suddenly have his understanding and data on these weapons increase? They will be the same as they were in the fate world....What do you think?

Considering Grayfia scales higher than servant archer and probably all servants (ubw/HF) besides Gil with Ea it would be stupid when she wouldn't beat Archer

PridefulRoyalty:Because he is no longer human? Okay, so Magecraft is being degraded Gaia, so Magecraft gets weaker if they were to be brought out in the outside world. Human beings cannot fully project something because they cannot conceptualize something with one senses alone. Archer is not a human. He is a Heroic Spirit, something that transcends time and space, he can perfectly trace a NP because he is a high dimensional being. So why was his tracings weaker? Because of Gaia’s influence. Archer is not Shirou, a human. Remember, in HF, when Shirou tried to trace something he mentioned his mind blanked out because his human mind cannot comprehend it, while Archer can easily do it because he is no longer human. So in a world without Gaia to downgrade his projections, Archer should be able to use a perfectly copied NP without degradation. You understand now? And even if Archer’s projections is weaker—which is ridiculous—Caladbolg was strong enough to rip space apart, Hercules, a magical equivalent of a heavy tank, died from that. Are tou freaking saying that Grayfia was far more durable than Hercules!?

scales higher? grayfia has zero feat of being even remotely close to being a servant level. archer was able twist space and time by firing an arrow and was able to break caster's pocket dimension, he literally killed berserker heracles several times without deploying ubw, and blocked a freaking magical equivalent of a nuclear blast, grayfia has no feats that is even remotely close to that. literally no dxd characters could even survive in nasuverse. mind you, this archer is stronger.

Linus279:Considering Grayfia scales higher than servant archer and probably all servants (ubw/HF) besides Gil with Ea it would be stupid when she wouldn't beat Archer

you don't even know fate if you think grayfia can be scaled higher than even angra mainyu

Linus279:Considering Grayfia scales higher than servant archer and probably all servants (ubw/HF) besides Gil with Ea it would be stupid when she wouldn't beat Archer

Gafiya is relative to Serfall who you can scale to Country. And has better speed feats than Archer.

PridefulRoyalty:you don't even know fate if you think grayfia can be scaled higher than even angra mainyu

show me feats and not featless scalings. grayfia and serafall showed no capabilities of breaking through dimensions(outside of sirzechs who shook Hades realm) while Archer emiya did just that. Mythological Mystic Code EMIYA stood equal to Kiara and BB, got thrown into several dimensions and returned in almost an instant. no dxd characters could even come close to that feat

Linus279:Gafiya is relative to Serfall who you can scale to Country. And has better speed feats than Archer.

you really don't know how ridiculously op servants are. Caster(Gilles) summoned a freaking extradimensional outer god, Saber(Artoria) blasted said outer god into nothingness with Excalibur, Gilgamesh was able to fight the White Titan who slaughtered countless gods and causes the age of gods to decline. dxd characters couldn't even put up a fight against trihexa, any mid tier servants would solo the verse

Linus279:Considering Grayfia scales higher than servant archer and probably all servants (ubw/HF) besides Gil with Ea it would be stupid when she wouldn't beat Archer

This feat Just Shows he has the ability to affect space. Like you make the claim Archer> Grafiya you did not proof anything.

PridefulRoyalty:show me feats and not featless scalings. grayfia and serafall showed no capabilities of breaking through dimensions(outside of sirzechs who shook Hades realm) while Archer emiya did just that. Mythological Mystic Code EMIYA stood equal to Kiara and BB, got thrown into several dimensions and returned in almost an instant. no dxd characters could even come close to that feat