
Review Detail of Skelatron in I Told You To Manage The Reserve Unit For Me Instead Of Turning It Into A Special Troop



first chapter is he gets the system. second chapter is he gets unearned Op skills. a whole list of then. then a arbitrary number for skilk points with no idea for valuation. if you got a system today. and you saw your first misson say 10,000 skill points would you think thats high? probably is if your refrence point is 1 skill point raises your stats by 1 each. but there is no other information given that tells us that its high other than our MC just saying "oh, thats a high reward" how does he know? is there a universal power scale? if you want a brain dead novel read. this is for you

I Told You To Manage The Reserve Unit For Me Instead Of Turning It Into A Special Troop

Better A Corner On Earth


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