
Review Detail of Vigilantly in Medic Martial Dragon King



The book features a Main Character who is a hopeless romantic and is always making his actions for his wives. The Martial path has a very very slow development, and not much is known about it either. The MC always wins what he is doing sometimes it is nice to see the face slapping but overtime it becomes repetitive and the tropes ends up repeating since the book assumes all people that are related to the MC, with very few exceptions are greedy and materialistic. Sometimes the book becomes heartquenching with the hopeless romantic moments. The medic path is something that just happens and is more of a side path like the martial path. The main path is romance a hopeless one at that. It feels there is barely any character development since the MC keeps on repeating the same action over and over. It might be guilt or it might be memories, it might be the character’s personality but it just feels stagnated as his life goes on. - Up to Chapter 246.

Medic Martial Dragon King

Dancing Fingertips


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