
Review Detail of TheNobleLion in Divine Beast Lord: 10000 Amplifier From The Start



What is even going on? I enjoy my fair share of garbage novels and generally don't review them negatively, but this one makes no sense. Nothing is explained whatsoever. What is this tower? What are these territories? Where are they fighting? Another example of confusion: Guy uses a 10000 times card on a newborn wolf to grow it to a youth. But 10000 times what? Times 1 second or 1 minute or 1 day? No one knows. Even garbage novels need to have some semblance of sense. Absolute vomit tier novel.

Divine Beast Lord: 10000 Amplifier From The Start





Hahaha!!! Thank you for the warning and for risking your braincells for us.



"I enjoy my fair share of garbage novels" bro you have me wheeze laughing 💀💀💀


Quick question: What makes a novel garbage in your opinion?


It can be a number of things. Unbelievably stupid characters, small but irritating inconsistencies, lack of a coherent plotline, poor character interactions, nonsensical power progression, shifts in character personality without any reasoning, unreadable translation (author has no fault for this one). I'm probably forgetting a couple of things. Many novels on here have 3 or more of the above, hence being garbage, but I personally enjoy certain things from these novels. OP MCs, exciting battles, some degree of well-done face slapping, and quick payoffs, to name a few.

KallenEmilia:Quick question: What makes a novel garbage in your opinion?

I know this is selfish of me but can you please give me a review on my novel? I haven't been given any constructive criticism yet and I'm wanting to write as good of a story as possible. Thanks. - Book: Villain becomes the Main Character

TheNobleLion:It can be a number of things. Unbelievably stupid characters, small but irritating inconsistencies, lack of a coherent plotline, poor character interactions, nonsensical power progression, shifts in character personality without any reasoning, unreadable translation (author has no fault for this one). I'm probably forgetting a couple of things. Many novels on here have 3 or more of the above, hence being garbage, but I personally enjoy certain things from these novels. OP MCs, exciting battles, some degree of well-done face slapping, and quick payoffs, to name a few.

Honestly, it's probably better that I don't read it and write a review. Don't get me wrong, the synopsis of your novel seems quite interesting, I'm just not a huge fan of the antihero/villain protagonist. It wouldn't be fair for me to write a novel since I'm biased against the archetype.

Strawberryhouse:I know this is selfish of me but can you please give me a review on my novel? I haven't been given any constructive criticism yet and I'm wanting to write as good of a story as possible. Thanks. - Book: Villain becomes the Main Character

I wish I had read this before reading the novel (-_-)'


If the novel cannot make any sense or the plot cannot explain some basic things or the novel is genuinely hard to read because it doesn't seem to have any sort of thought to it.

KallenEmilia:Quick question: What makes a novel garbage in your opinion?

10000. Times maturing speed so basically divided by 10k


well said, man

TheNobleLion:It can be a number of things. Unbelievably stupid characters, small but irritating inconsistencies, lack of a coherent plotline, poor character interactions, nonsensical power progression, shifts in character personality without any reasoning, unreadable translation (author has no fault for this one). I'm probably forgetting a couple of things. Many novels on here have 3 or more of the above, hence being garbage, but I personally enjoy certain things from these novels. OP MCs, exciting battles, some degree of well-done face slapping, and quick payoffs, to name a few.