
Review Detail of Rob_Smox in Cønsequences Øf A Renagade



Isn’t much to actually review as at the time of this review, it having 14 chapters so I’ll do my best as a pioneer. The writing quality is very good, a lot of vocabulary and grammar makes it seem the author is at least competent. I’m a bit confused by the synopsis as thr author talks about improving his English skills whilst having good English already… As to the reason it is 4 stars that is because it very chunky and structured more like a traditional book than the short paragraphs found on webnovel. Stability wise I’ve left it 5 stars as its only just been released so we will see. The chapters are quite long but I think it will take a while if only releasing 1 chapter a day. Maybe add a few more in the beginning author? Pacing and the story is good so far, as much as 14 chapters can be. It is honestly pretty good, maybe not the most unique but we aren’t far into it. Character design is ok. Some are mysterious and some are realistic, no one is especially annoying and it feels like the MC may have some mental problems or trauma or something. So it will be interesting to see how it goes and a positive note the MC isn’ t a psychopath or the stupid person to ever live World background is good and some effort or thought has gone into it. Besides one of the first chapters there hasn’ been any large blocks of world buildin and has largely been snippets in conversations. It’ quite refreshing compared to most stories here. I will change this review as the story goes on. As a first work author it seems pretty good! And to readers, I think it deserves a chance the end of the first volume was very good.

Cønsequences Øf A Renagade





Wow, I did not expect such a thorough and positive review. The synopsis is in regards to me applying for the Military, in which the job requires very good English skills - hence me writing a book to become better. For the chapters, I'll try to increase it but honestly, it takes ages to write and edit so I'll do my best. Besides that, thanks ever so much for the review, I much appreciate it!


I understand now I thought yo weren’ a native English speaker but it was very good English. I’ not an English academic but your writing is very good in comparison to most works on webnovel and don’ feel pressured to release more chapters, they’re quite long and chapters that are good to you are better for us than ones you don’ liket

ARenagade:Wow, I did not expect such a thorough and positive review. The synopsis is in regards to me applying for the Military, in which the job requires very good English skills - hence me writing a book to become better. For the chapters, I'll try to increase it but honestly, it takes ages to write and edit so I'll do my best. Besides that, thanks ever so much for the review, I much appreciate it!

wats the mc personality like hero r anti hero type

ARenagade:Wow, I did not expect such a thorough and positive review. The synopsis is in regards to me applying for the Military, in which the job requires very good English skills - hence me writing a book to become better. For the chapters, I'll try to increase it but honestly, it takes ages to write and edit so I'll do my best. Besides that, thanks ever so much for the review, I much appreciate it!