
Review Detail of NitroMiyazaki in Another Chance in the World of Remnant



This novel is definitely one of the better ones. I enjoy our mc’s changes to the plot, and the story is very enticing to read. The characters in the story also stay fairly true to their original counterparts, save for the changes they receive due to the interventions by our mc, but I will say that sometimes characters do not act how they normally would in specific circumstances. For example, the forced romantic relationships of 30-40 year old adults and a supposed 13-14 year old kid (even though said “kid” is 6’8”, battle-scarred and has the mental age of a century-old man). But I can ignore that as it’s not that important and more self-fantasy than anything. Plot progression is good, smooth, and interesting. Character development, aside from romantic relationships (a few are done well), are also good and can be easily imagined coming from the characters. Subplots are easy to follow, and are solved one at a time to allow for readers to process things better. The world seems to be branching slowly but surely from canon, though it’s not a jarring change as many other novels get subjected to. Overall, very good read and continuing to look forward to more.

Another Chance in the World of Remnant



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