
Review Detail of hidingpanduh in Enthralled By Love



Whew, I read all ten chapters up so far haha. I got really into reading it after I started and couldn't stop. Well worth the read! Thank you author for making such an enjoyable story. Zac and Hazel are #goals for sure even though they have their differences at times. My favorite part was when the couple who got married at the same time told them what they did when they were super drunk. It was hilarious. Different parts of this story are steamy, heart warming, funny, and sweet altogether. I can't wait to read more and I'm so excited to see what else happens to the two MCs. I've got to say Mandy is sus LOL and I don't like her paranoia but she's certainly going to add to the drama. Sunny seems like the typical villainess. And Hanson, kind of intriguing, I think there can be more backstory built into why Hazel likes him or their history. Well done, keep writing!!!!!

Enthralled By Love



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