
Review Detail of Dehni_Olsen in Falling Stardust



First off, I dislike giving 5 stars as I feel there can always be something improved upon. However, try as I might, I just can’t find what that is with this novel. My absolute most favorite thing that this author has done is their character design. Even in a lot of fantasy books it’s simple run of the mill colors and names. That was NOT the case here. It starts off with such amazing character color and description in the first paragraph alone. At one point I did get a LITTLE confused with some of the names because they were so similar. Many X names. But this is still not something to be marked down on. It just means I probably read too fast and missed important details. Either way, I would ask the author to take that into advisement. The second thing was the world. If looked at from outside it would feel similar to an open world game that had soooo much going on it leaves the player overwhelmed. However, while it does feel very massive, the author eases you into very smoothly. Taking it from the viewpoint of a student and teaching the reader as the student also learns. It was very cleverly done. They built the school and the world architect with beautiful detail. While I did enjoy the chaoters I read, there is one critique I have. Well… maybe two haha the first is a problem with me haha the Storybis too in depth for my reading style right now. I’m unable to divest the time that would be required to fully take in this massive world. Again, that’s not on the Author, but me. Secondly, I was looking for more history between Blossom and Xeik. It’s brought out that she brought him into his social skills but not what he was like before. I wish that had been mentioned possibly off key before or even DURING the first exam. Beautifully written and well thought out. Bravo author!

Falling Stardust





The X names are my favorite part. it's the family theme to have kids X names cuz the parents happen to have it as well... (the boys at least)


That makes sooooo much more sense. I did not know that!! Thank you :D

QingDomCom:The X names are my favorite part. it's the family theme to have kids X names cuz the parents happen to have it as well... (the boys at least)