
Review Detail of Drasia_ in Under the Oak Tree



is this really original? is this really straight from the author? Is that true??? huhu 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳💕💕💕🌻🌻🌻😲😲😲🤗🤗🤗😋😋😋😘😘😘

Under the Oak Tree

Suji Kim




I am wondering the same thing! Is It official?


The author announced the Webnovel licensing on her blog.


It's really good


May I know what is her blog?

readmedottxt:The author announced the Webnovel licensing on her blog.

Yes .this is the official English version of the novel 🤍


does all the books have been translated? i heard there are 3 books (one is Riftan POV)?


I‘m interested in that as well.

Veronique007:does all the books have been translated? i heard there are 3 books (one is Riftan POV)?

anyone know if they have made it to book 2? I was reading it on LNH but they closed it.. sadly... I don't want to wait till the official traslation gets released for book 2 😭😭 (would be cool if the author just used LNH's traslation...)


No duh, but they weren't even translating for money; they were completely wholesome about what they do. I'm sure if the author reached out to them about the amazing translation, they would totally let the author have it. Thanks to the nice people at LNH, a whole bunch of people got to enjoy the novel who can't read korean.


I don’t think stealing is wholesome in any way no matter how you put it. Intellectual property is still someone else’s property. It’s the author’s blood, sweat and tears with 5 years spent to come up with the amazing work we came to love today. Imagine working for a job or task and not being paid for it, would you be satisfied and happy about it? Especially when it’s your means of making a living? The site is getting paid for views and clicks, etc. as they have ads running, ask any digital marketing person. Please respect & be informed about the author’s feelings and sentiment as she has mentioned in her Naver blog that she does not condone this at all.

Nekochan:No duh, but they weren't even translating for money; they were completely wholesome about what they do. I'm sure if the author reached out to them about the amazing translation, they would totally let the author have it. Thanks to the nice people at LNH, a whole bunch of people got to enjoy the novel who can't read korean.

It’s still Book 1 here. For the Korean version on Ridibooks, if not mistaken - Riftan, Hebaron and Gabel POV are in Book 2.

Veronique007:does all the books have been translated? i heard there are 3 books (one is Riftan POV)?

Yeah I read it there too and it is sad there was not message to know it had to stop beczuse really they did an amazing work for free ans the community was wholesome!

Nekochan:No duh, but they weren't even translating for money; they were completely wholesome about what they do. I'm sure if the author reached out to them about the amazing translation, they would totally let the author have it. Thanks to the nice people at LNH, a whole bunch of people got to enjoy the novel who can't read korean.

It was not stealing but sharing a content in a language while it was not available. The translators said they would stop if there is an official translation and they did. And I remember seing adds... I don't think they got money for their hardwork.

stereosushi:I don’t think stealing is wholesome in any way no matter how you put it. Intellectual property is still someone else’s property. It’s the author’s blood, sweat and tears with 5 years spent to come up with the amazing work we came to love today. Imagine working for a job or task and not being paid for it, would you be satisfied and happy about it? Especially when it’s your means of making a living? The site is getting paid for views and clicks, etc. as they have ads running, ask any digital marketing person. Please respect & be informed about the author’s feelings and sentiment as she has mentioned in her Naver blog that she does not condone this at all.

It’s stealing because they didn’t get the permission from the creator/author. It’s her long term effort for 5 years. The author is Korean so of course her writing is in her native language. If it’s not available in other languages, then they should ask for her formal permission to translate it, yes? You can purchase and translate for your own personal reading or consumption but not put it up for millions to access online free & illegally, unless it’s your own creation. They also have digital ads running on their site which means the site owners get paid for views and clicks so did they benefited from this illegal translation? You bet. Their effort to translate? Haha. Except it’s not their own creation in the first place. It’s someone else’s hard work. That’s blatant plagiarism. You mean it’s ok to take someone else’s work, translate & post it publicly & slapping on their name there just because they are not available in a language I can understand? Sure, get the legal & official permission first. Of course there are rules, regulations and royalties involved. That’s where intellectual property comes in with copyrights and patent laws for things like this. Let me ask you - if you create something unique and great, then someone steals & copies your creation - however, changing to a different color - then put it online where millions of people can use it, all without your knowledge nor paying & sharing anything at all with you - it’s ok for you?

Ruchie_Mr:It was not stealing but sharing a content in a language while it was not available. The translators said they would stop if there is an official translation and they did. And I remember seing adds... I don't think they got money for their hardwork.

Their hard work to translate is not even a fraction of the hard work of the creator/author Kim Suji’s effort! Her publisher have asked them to close down the site for a long time but they didn’t when after it is already in Webnovel here & Manta. If you truly like her work, wait for it to be officially translated in English on legal platforms or buy the Korean e-copies on Ridibooks and google translate it yourself with translator apps if you can’t wait. It’s not perfect but it’s not impossible to understand, just need some guesswork. They even provide free chapters daily. All you need is patience & planning and you can read it free everyday. Information & free translators are available & accessible everywhere on the internet. There are no excuses. Make the effort. In her Naver blog, she expressed her anger & sadness for this and said she will not write the planned side stories anymore. So now legal & paying readers will not be getting the next book side stories anymore so tell me why true fans like us have to suffer the brunt when we are the ones consuming this the legal way? Yeah yeah so great that they finally brought down the site now but damage has already been done. The fact remains - there is no Under The Oak Tree without author Kim Suji - so if she’s angry enough to stop writing now immediately, will there be anything left for the illegal translators to translate? Or any of us to read? No, just create your own fan fiction ending then.

Ruchie_Mr:It was not stealing but sharing a content in a language while it was not available. The translators said they would stop if there is an official translation and they did. And I remember seing adds... I don't think they got money for their hardwork.

Also… for the record, there are definitely digital ads in the site. Please go back & look again. If you want to know more on Ridibooks just search “wheretokim ridibooks” [not sharing direct site links here, sorry] to know the how-to in English with step by step visual screenshot guide [credits to the owner of this website for sharing this] > made it a breeze for a non-Korean speaker like me to register. However, if you expect perfect translations & all please refrain from reading there. Webnovel translation is top notch & relays the author’s real narrative.


No word on book 2 yet. it will probably get release eventually. LHN stole the book and profited off it. They stole it from the author. they ignored her pleas to stop. and the result was the author lost desire to write the side story. LHN sucks.

Nekochan:anyone know if they have made it to book 2? I was reading it on LNH but they closed it.. sadly... I don't want to wait till the official traslation gets released for book 2 😭😭 (would be cool if the author just used LNH's traslation...)

LHN admit they had been reached out to but ignored it because they were not sure that the take down notices where legit.

Nekochan:No duh, but they weren't even translating for money; they were completely wholesome about what they do. I'm sure if the author reached out to them about the amazing translation, they would totally let the author have it. Thanks to the nice people at LNH, a whole bunch of people got to enjoy the novel who can't read korean.

Yes, this came directly from the author's blog (translated from Korean) so this is the official, English version ❤️

edi_o:I am wondering the same thing! Is It official?

they're translating the author's work without permission, what's so wholesome about it? and thanks to them translating illegally, the novel author decided not to make side story & riftan's POV which people had been waiting for long.

Nekochan:No duh, but they weren't even translating for money; they were completely wholesome about what they do. I'm sure if the author reached out to them about the amazing translation, they would totally let the author have it. Thanks to the nice people at LNH, a whole bunch of people got to enjoy the novel who can't read korean.